
Programming language: Swift
License: MIT License
Tags: Logging    

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Pulse is a powerful logging system for Apple Platforms. Native. Built with SwiftUI.

Record and inspect logs and URLSession network requests right from your iOS app. Shared logs and view them in Pulse Pro or use remote logging to see them in real-time. Logs are stored locally and never leave your devices.

Sponsors ๐Ÿ’–

While you can use Pulse and Pulse Pro for free, if you do, please support it on GitHub Sponsors.

Pulse is proudly sponsored by Stream, the leading provider in enterprise grade Feed & Chat APIs.


Pulse is not just a tool, it's a framework. It records events from URLSession or from frameworks that use it, such as Alamofireg or Get, and displays them using PulseUI views that you integrate directly into your app. This way Pulse console is available for everyone who has your test builds. You or your QA team can view the logs on the device and easily share them to attach to bug reports.

Pulse is not a network debugging proxy tool like Proxyman, Charles, or Wireshark. It won't automatically intercept all network traffic coming from your app or device.

Getting Started

The best way to start using Pulse is with the Getting Started guide. There are many ways to use it and to learn more, see the dedicated docs:

Pulse Pro

Pulse Pro is a professional open-source macOS app that allows you to view logs in real-time. The app is designed to be flexible, expansive, and precise while using all the familiar macOS patterns. It makes it easy to navigate large log files with table and text modes, filters, scroller markers, an all-new network inspector, JSON filters, and more.

Both Pulse and Pulse Pro are fully open-source.

Minimum Requirements

Pulse Swift Xcode Platforms
Pulse 2.0 Swift 5.6 Xcode 13.3 iOS 13.0, watchOS 7.0, tvOS 13.0, macOS 11.0
Pulse 1.0 Swift 5.3 Xcode 12.0 iOS 11.0, watchOS 6.0, tvOS 11.0, macOS 11.0


Pulse is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

*Note that all licence references and agreements mentioned in the Pulse README section above are relevant to that project's source code only.