
Code Quality Rank: L5
Programming language: Swift
License: MIT License
Tags: Animation     UI    
Latest version: v1.2.10

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anim is an animation library written in Swift with a simple, declarative API in mind.

// moves box to 100,100 with default settings
anim {
    self.box.frame.origin = CGPoint(x:100, y:100)
// after that, waits 100 ms
// moves box to 0,0 after waiting
.then {
    self.box.frame.origin = CGPoint(x:0, y:0)
// displays message after all animations are done
.callback {
    print("Just finished moving 📦 around.")

It supports a bunch of easing functions and chaining multiple animations. It's a wrapper on Apple's UIViewPropertyAnimator on its core, and falls back to UIView.animate on versions before iOS and tvOS 10. It uses NSAnimationContext on macOS.


Example projects are available at examples/ folder and as targets on XCode project.

pod 'anim'
github "onurersel/anim"

Or simply drag the swift files inside src/ folder into your project.

For complete documentation, visit http://onurersel.github.io/anim/.

Initialize animations with anim constructor.

// Initialize with default settings
anim {
    // animation block
// or initialize with it's own settings
anim { (settings) -> (animClosure) in
    settings.delay = 1
    settings.duration = 0.7
    settings.ease = .easeInOutBack

    return {
        // animation block
// or initialize layout constraint animations just by passing the parent view
anim(constraintParent: self.view) {
    // animation block

anim(constraintParent: self.view) { (settings) -> (animClosure) in
    // settings...
    return {
        // animation block

// you don't need to call layoutIfNeeded() before or inside the
// animation blocks, it's handled by anim
// for example to update constant value of a constraint,
// you can just change it inside the animation block
let width: NSLayoutConstraint //...
anim(constraintParent: self.view) {
    width.constant = 100 // new value
// that's it!

Chain animations with then function.

anim {}
    // next animation block
anim {}
.then { (settings) -> animClosure in
    settings.duration = 1
    return {
        // next animation block
anim {}
.then(constraintParent: self.view) {
    // chaining constraint animations
.then(constraintParent: self.view) { (settings) -> animClosure in
    settings.duration = 1
    return {
        // next animation block for constraints

Wait between animation steps with wait function.

anim{}.wait(0.25).then{} //...

Insert callbacks between animation steps with .callback function.

.callback {
    // custom block
.then{} //...

Stop animations with stop function.

let animation = anim{}.then{} // ...
Default settings

You can change default animation settings through anim.defaultSettings property.

anim.defaultSettings.ease = .easeInOutCubic

anim.Ease exposes a bunch of easing options.

anim is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.

*Note that all licence references and agreements mentioned in the anim README section above are relevant to that project's source code only.