IntentKit v0.7.5 Release Notes

Release Date: 2016-09-25 // over 7 years ago

Previous changes from v0.6.0

  • Enhancements
    • 👍 IntentKit now supports in-app modal view controllers as actions! INKWebView, INKTweetSheet, and INKMailSheet exist as default options for INKBrowserHandler, INKTwitterHandler, and INKMailHandler, respectively. This can be disabled by setting a handler's disableInAppOption property to YES.

    • 0️⃣ As a result, the default behavior for handlers is to not show the respective first-party app when an in-app option exists (namely, Safari and You can forcibly show them by setting a handler's showFirstPartyApp to YES.

    • IntentKit can now intelligently guess which view controller to present itself on. Instead of presentModallyInViewController:, you can now show a presenter action simply by calling presentModally. See the README for examples. (The old method still exists for backwards compatibility and for when detection fails.)

    • Application plists now follow Mustache templating conventions for interpolated values. Variable names encased in {{double curly braces}} will be HTML-escaped, whereas {{{triple curly braces}}} will be used as raw values.

    • 🖐 Handlers can explicitly disallow showing the 'Remember my choice' toggle

    🛠 ###### Bugfixes

    • Fixed an issue causing browser fallbacks to not fire.

    🔨 ###### Refactors

    • ✅ Running rake test on the command line causes specs to be run using xcpretty, resulting in better output.