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Cocoapods libraries

Showing projects tagged as Swift and Cocoapods

  • iONess

    0.5 0.0 Swift
    iONess is HTTP Request Helper for iOS platform used by HCI iOS App
  • Vellum

    0.5 0.0 Swift
    Vellum is local persistent data storage for iOS
  • Impose

    0.5 7.1 Swift
    DISCONTINUED. Impose is a simple dependency injection library for Swift
  • Spokestack Tray

    0.5 0.0 Swift
    DISCONTINUED. A native iOS UI widget for adding Spokestack to any iOS app.
  • Artisan

    0.4 0.0 Swift
    Artisan is an MVVM framework for Swift using the bonding features from Pharos and constraints builder from Draftsman.
  • Alter

    0.3 0.0 Swift
    Alter is framework to make mapping Codable property and key easier.