
Programming language: Swift
License: MIT License
Tags: Machine Learning    
Latest version: v0.2.3

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TensorSwift is a lightweight library to calculate tensors, which has similar APIs to TensorFlow's. TensorSwift is useful to simulate calculating tensors in Swift using models trained by TensorFlow.

let a = Tensor(shape: [2, 3], elements: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6])
let b = Tensor(shape: [2, 3], elements: [7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12])
let sum = a + b // Tensor(shape: [2, 3], elements: [8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18])
let mul = a * b // Tensor(shape: [2, 3], elements: [7, 16, 27, 40, 55, 72])

let c = Tensor(shape: [3, 1], elements: [7, 8, 9])
let matmul = a.matmul(c) // Tensor(shape: [2, 1], elements: [50, 122])

let zeros = Tensor(shape: [2, 3, 4])
let ones = Tensor(shape: [2, 3, 4], element: 1)

Deep MNIST for Experts


The following code shows how to simulate Deep MNIST for Experts, a tutorial of TensorFlow, by TensorSwift.

public struct Classifier {
    public let W_conv1: Tensor
    public let b_conv1: Tensor
    public let W_conv2: Tensor
    public let b_conv2: Tensor
    public let W_fc1: Tensor
    public let b_fc1: Tensor
    public let W_fc2: Tensor
    public let b_fc2: Tensor

    public func classify(_ x_image: Tensor) -> Int {
        let h_conv1 = (x_image.conv2d(filter: W_conv1, strides: [1, 1, 1]) + b_conv1).relu()
        let h_pool1 = h_conv1.maxPool(kernelSize: [2, 2, 1], strides: [2, 2, 1])

        let h_conv2 = (h_pool1.conv2d(filter: W_conv2, strides: [1, 1, 1]) + b_conv2).relu()
        let h_pool2 = h_conv2.maxPool(kernelSize: [2, 2, 1], strides: [2, 2, 1])

        let h_pool2_flat = h_pool2.reshaped([1, Dimension(7 * 7 * 64)])
        let h_fc1 = (h_pool2_flat.matmul(W_fc1) + b_fc1).relu()

        let y_conv = (h_fc1.matmul(W_fc2) + b_fc2).softmax()

        return y_conv.elements.enumerated().max { $0.1 < $1.1 }!.0


Swift Package Manager

.Package(url: "[email protected]:qoncept/TensorSwift.git", from: "0.2.0"),


pod 'TensorSwift', '~> 0.2'


github "qoncept/TensorSwift" ~> 0.2


[The MIT License](LICENSE)

*Note that all licence references and agreements mentioned in the TensorSwift README section above are relevant to that project's source code only.