apollo-ios v0.15.0 Release Notes

Release Date: 2019-08-16 // over 4 years ago

    💥 BREAKING : Finally swapped out URLSessionConfiguration on initializer for HTTPNetworkTransport to use URLSession directly instead. If you were previously passing in a configuration, first hand it to a URLSession instance and then pass that instance into the initializer.

    This allows many new things including:

    • Support for background sessions
    • Easier mocking through NSURLProtocol
    • Certificate pinning
    • Self-signed certificates
    • Metrics inspection
    • Authentication challenge handling

    🔧 All these are pretty much entirely through the ability to use URLSessionDelegate directly since we're now accepting a URLSession you can declare yourself to be the delegate of rather than just the configuration. (#699, inspired by #265)

    • 💥 BREAKING , though hopefully in a good way: Significant updates to the Upload functionality to make it conform more closely to the GraphQL Upload Spec. Also added a goodly bit of documentation around this functionality. (#707)
    • 📦 Way better support for Swift Package Manager, especially for ApolloSQLite and ApolloWebSocket. (#674)
    • 🤡 Created ApolloClientProtocol to match all public methods of ApolloClient for easier mocking. (#715, inspired by #693)