AWS v2.24.0 Release Notes

  • 🆕 New Features

    • AWSMobileClient, AWSCognitoIdentityProvider

      • AWSCognitoIdentityProvider now accepts an Endpoint configuration value that can be used to override the default endpoint of cognito-idp.<region> (See PR #3482.)

      You can use this override value to specify the domain name of, for example, a CloudFront distribution fronted by a Web Application Firewall for DDOS protection on your Cognito User Pool account. The value of Endpoint should be a fully-qualified host name, not a URL. Example:

      "CognitoUserPool": {
        "Default": {
          "AppClientId": "xxx",
          "AppClientSecret": "xxx",
          "Endpoint": "",
          "PoolId": "xxxxx",
          "Region": "xx-xxx-1"

      WARNING The Amplify CLI will overwrite customizations to the awsconfiguration.json and amplifyconfiguration.json files if you do an amplify push or amplify pull. You will need to manually re-apply the Endpoint customization if you use the CLI to modify your cloud backend.

      Note This feature was originally was originally released incorrectly as a patch version update in 2.23.4. It was reverted by PR #3553 and released in 2.23.5 to allow backwards compatability. After 2.23.5 was released, it was added back with PR #3556 for this minor version release.