Dip v4.5.0 Release Notes

    • ➕ Added weakly-typed API to resolve components when exact type is unknown during compile time.
      #79, @ilyapuchka
    • ➕ Added type forwarding feature. You can register the same factory to resolve different types.
      #89, @ilyapuchka
    • Container now can resolve optional types :tada:
      #84, @ilyapuchka
    • ➕ Added container context that provides contextual information during graph resolution process.
      #83, @ilyapuchka
    • ➕ Added method to validate container configuration.
      #87, @ilyapuchka
    • ➕ Added method to manually set value wrapped by auto-injection wrappers.
      #81, @ilyapuchka
    • ➕ Added separate error type for failures during auto-wiring.
      #85, @ilyapuchka