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Avg Release Cycle
59 days
Latest Release
1794 days ago
Changelog History
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Changelog History
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v2.7.1 Changes
February 02, 2017Closed issues:
- Calendar showing previous month for current page, but current page in stack has the correct month. #566
- ⚡️ Storyboard not update interface when change Attributes Inspector #564
- hello , first thing this project is awesome ,, but i have on issue . #560
- Vertical Line #557
- 你好 我想请问有没有办法把日期和星期显示强制设置成英文 #552
- h bomb #550
- 展示bug,31天的日期只展示到28号 #547
- 👍 SwiftExample app does not support multitasking #546
- Calendar disrupts on orientation change #468
🔀 Merged pull requests:
v2.7.0 Changes
January 17, 2017Implemented enhancements:
- 使用指导 #496
Closed issues:
- Pod version (2.6.0) crashes on handleScopeGesture #540
- 大神你好想请教下关于点击灰色区域日期的问题 #535
- 您好,我用您这个框架 用pod管理导入的库为什么和下的demo,版本不一样呢,用pod管理的版本是1.7.2,有好多属性是你的demo中有,但是我导入的里面就没有那些属性呢 #534
- 在 Xcode8.2 运行,用 xib 拖进去 view 设置类为FSCalendar看不到 #533
- Getting previous date in method didSelect date #531
- -minimumDateForCalendar: bug #529
- 使用问题 #527
- When I select a day the event indicator disappear, why? How to solve? #526
- Next and previous button on header title #523
- 🔋 Feature Request: event on consecutive days #522
- Delegate / DataSource || Race Condition ? #518
- Request: A way to add more than one subtitleFor #517
- Can't change calendar today date #514
- 如何获知是向左还是向右滑动? #513
- centerForDate #512
- 🏗 Interface builder - FSCalendar - Designables - Build Failed #511
- Different color for event dots #509
- How to get Current year, current month & number of days in a month ? #508
- How to change header background color? #507
- Is there a way to set color of disabled day #504
- How do you get the visible date range in calendar #503
- 🔄 Change firstWeekday shows wrong day #502
- Custom cell can't be casted when using maximumDate #497
- minimumDateForCalendar not working #495
- 3D Touch Peek and Pop #493
- Date number height is shortened #486
- cell和cell之间会有一个间隔 #483
🔀 Merged pull requests:
v2.6.0 Changes
November 29, 2016Closed issues:
v2.5.1 Changes
November 23, 2016Implemented enhancements:
Closed issues:
- minimumDateForCalendar #494
- Monster warlord #491
- Monster warlord #490
- Monster warlord #489
- In week view some dates are missing #488
- 🚚 Space between month tag and days, after touching the calendar the days move up to it's right place #485
- Custom cell can't be casted when using minimumDate/maximumDate #484
- ⚡️ Update library issue #482
- Set minimumDate and maximumDate dynamic #481
- Today is already selected.How to disable today showing selected. #480
- 🏗 charthage build error: no shared framework schemes #479
- Set Week Days Label IN Upper Case #478
- 🔄 Change Month causes select two dates at same view. #477
- Crashed on iphone 5 and ios 10 #476
- Calling
causes circle image to flicker. #475 - Is it possible to display 2 weeks instead of 1 week? #470
- Calendar orientation is not working properly in some projects #464
v2.5.0 Changes
November 09, 2016Implemented enhancements:
- text color of Sat and Sun #437
- Is it possible create Calendar View like Activity app #366
- Disable placeholders selection backgoundColor in date range between months #351
- 🚚 How to remove events of next month showing in current month calender #328
- Different font for selected and current date #281
- How to put line on row of week ? #185
Closed issues:
- White Color Border Showing In Top and Bottom Of View In Which FSCalender Attached #471
- how to add image in multiple date when view load? #469
- seletectDate does not call didSelectDate #467
- minimumDateForCalendar crash @ 2.4.0 #465
- Two days can be selected after first or second Saturday is first selected #463
- Overlaping events #462
- Error in Selected date #459
- Calendar Date Range background Between today date and selected end date #458
- Month Scrolling #457
- 👻 Fatal Exception: Crash on iPhone 5 c #456
- How to stop scrolling animation ? #455
- How to prevent calendar to switch from month view to week view? #454
- Appearance Delegate not called #452
- Have a migration project to swift3 plan? #451
- 👻 Fatal Exception: FSCalendar date out of bounds exception. #450
- 📇 Rename FSCalendarConstance to FSCalendarConstants #448
- Header disappearing when max month is reached #447
- Is "Imageoffset" property has some problem? #445
- Property 'prefetchingEnabled' not found on object of type 'FSCalendarCollectionView *' #444
- Image offset ignored in week scope #443
- minimumDate iOS10 #432
- "Invisible sticky header" problem on calendar with vertical scrolling #431
- Delegate method calendar eventColorForDate not called. #423
- 👮 force reload calendar #326
v2.4.0 Changes
October 12, 2016Implemented enhancements:
Closed issues:
- Scope change animating from center #446
- How to have events with different color indicator on calendar? #442
- Can I have different background color for each selected date? #441
- How can i get current time with selected date? #440
- How to set day as "selected"? #439
- Todays date shows yesterday when selected. #438
- want to show date from first day of the month #433
- 👀 headerTitleFont appearance doesn't seem to be working #430
- When view load set a anydate as selected #429
- 💻 Dynamic Today Extension Example ui issue in iOS 10 #427
- 👉 Show two months #426
- is it fully compatible with swift 3 ? #425
- 👍 Timezone support #424
- Hi, #419
- Today is always 1 day ahead #417
- timezone issue @ FSCalendar ~>2.3.1 #416
v2.3.3 Changes
September 10, 2016Closed issues:
- Any way to hide on vertical mode the same days at next month? #415
- Put UIImageView on particular date. #414
- 自定义日历高度 #412
- Rotat issue #408
- 在滑动的时候可能会出现 CGRectGetHeight(self.pendingAttributes.targetBounds) == CGRectGetHeight(self.pendingAttributes.sourceBounds) #405
- 在真机中,当展示的是周的时候. 两个手指重复向上滑动的时候会引起界面异常 #403
- Today in Swift #402
v2.3.2 Changes
September 10, 2016Closed issues:
- Missing data on iOS 9 #413
- delay 1 day #411
- 0️⃣ TitleDefaultColorForDate Delegate Quickly called before web service Implementing and Want to Change colors for the dates from array? #409
- Error with min version #407
- FSCalendarScope is a C11 feature #406
- How to determine current calendar height #404
- How to set the height of row? #401
- How i can repeat event? like every day, month, year? #400
- How I can select all sunday with "selectDate"? #399
- 当我选择7月1号. 然后收起日历.变成只显示周的时候. 月份会变成6月 #398
- Changing event color crash #392
- Can you pass consistent dates to the date parameters in the delegate methods? #386
- 三个自定义需求请问如何实现? #371
v2.3.1 Changes
August 29, 2016Closed issues:
- Can we add dot with some text in Calendar view & how to reload calendar view ? #397
- 有没有出 Swift 版的计划 #396
- Height issue with XCode 8 iOS 10 Swift 2.x #395
- [bug] reloadData wil not reload header title #394
- 日期选择的错误 #390
- Collapse the calander #389
- [calendar reloadData] 后如何不回自动滚回当前日期? #388
- 如何做到,多选,只能选择第一个选择日期后的5天? #387
- Full day circle as event indicator #383
- 有支持农历吗 #382
- Calendar layout is broken #375
🔀 Merged pull requests:
- 🔀 Merge branch 'development' #384 (maplestoryLWG)
v2.3.0 Changes
August 11, 2016Closed issues:
- didSelectDate should get called if i call selectDate() #381
- day circle radius is small #380
- Error in future. #379
- Delegate call when scope changes #378
- 给日历添加事件后,如果通过点击下个的日期切换月份并且让日历变成按周显示的模式,点中的日期如果添加了事件,程序会出现崩溃的情况! #377
- Enable gestures to change calendar scope. #374
- 不停的切换月和周 两种显示模式,上面显示的月份一直在减小 #373
- Is it possible to show only the days of the current month? #372
- Presenting the calendar in a modal view controller #369
- Is it possible to get calendar cell size ? #368
- ⚡️ After updating to 2.2.0, I can't call the methods in the NSDate category anymore. Can you add them back? #365
- 🔄 Change position of event dot #364
- There is something wrong with the interface shows when I reload calendar view. #363
- 🚚 How can we remove Background color for specific dates? #362
- itouch 6黑屏无法进入主界面 #361
- 🚚 I want to remove Next Month Event Color #360
- Is it possible to stop scroll in direction of future month? #359
- Border width size is different for some rows. #358
- disable tap gesture on placeholder #357
- Can you make the size of the dot proportionate to the size of the collection view cell? #356
- 👀 Please See At My Requirement - Change Event Background Color #355
- Has Event For Date is not call - How can i recall this method #354
- Multiple Selection Colours? #353
- Layout is not working (Swift 2.2, Xcode 7.3) #352
- ➕ Adding event to a day #350
- 能否增加一个UI体验 #349
- Event indicator is sometimes not displayed. #340
- 关于日历maxdate的问题 #339
- Year is not shown on every month in the title. #338
- How to disable selectColor but not "didSelectFunction" #336
- 👉 User selection of placeholder dates should be optional #334
- Changing scope with an UISwipeGestureRecognizer causes currentPage bug #333
- 🛠 Number of rows for current month fixed at 6 when showing placeholders #331
- How can I put events in day after my array/dictionary is populated. #329
- Selecting of day after the day user selected #327
- ➕ adding bridge header in swift #325
- 🔄 Change Weekday Text Color #324
- ➕ Add an option to stick the weekDays to the top #323
- Hi, switch month and week, there will be gray background Flashing #317
- 🔄 Change placeholder #316
- 请问可以实现日历跟随UITableView的滚动,实现scopeHandle滑动时切换月和周的效果吗? #315
- 设置了字体以后出现了下面的情况 #314
- 0️⃣ Default scope week. #313
- Is there a way of minimizing the distance between the event indicator and the day of the month? #309
- Disable previous dates in same month with today #302
- hides placeholder #229
- Post appearance image/itunes address here #2