IGListKit v3.2.0 Release Notes

Release Date: 2018-02-07 // about 6 years ago
  • ✨ Enhancements

    ➕ Added -[IGListSectionController didHighlightItemAtIndex:] and -[IGListSectionController didUnhighlightItemAtIndex:] APIs to support UICollectionView cell highlighting. Kevin Delannoy (#933)

    ➕ Added -didDeselectSectionController:withObject: to IGListSingleSectionControllerDelegate Darren Clark (#954)

    ➕ Added a new listener API to be notified when IGListAdapter finishes updating. Add listeners via -[IGListAdapter addUpdateListener:] with objects conforming to the new IGListAdapterUpdateListener protocol. Ryan Nystrom (5cf01cc)

    ⚡️ Updated project settings for iOS 11. Ryan Nystrom (#942)

    ➕ Added support UICollectionElementKindSectionFooter for IGListCollectionViewLayout. Igor Vasilenko (#1017)

    ➕ Added experiment to make -[IGListAdapter visibleSectionControllers:] a bit faster. Maxime Ollivier (82a2a2e)

    ➕ Added support -[UIScrollView adjustedContentInset] for iOS 11. Guoyin Li (#1020)

    ➕ Added new transitionDelegate API to give IGListSectionControllers control to customize initial and final UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes. Includes automatic integration with IGListCollectionViewLayout. Sue Suhan Ma (26924ec)

    Reordered position of intercepted selector in IGListAdapterProxy's isInterceptedSelector method to reduce overall consumption of compare. zhongwuzw (#1055)

    Made IGListTransitionDelegate inherited from NSObject. Igor Vasilenko (#1075)

    🛠 Fixes

    Duplicate objects for initial data source setup filtered out. Mikhail Vashlyaev (#993

    🚀 Weakly reference the UICollectionView in coalescence so that it can be released if the rest of system is destroyed. Ryan Nystrom (d322c2e)

    🛠 Fix bug with -[IGListAdapter scrollToObject:supplementaryKinds:scrollDirection:scrollPosition:animated:] where the content inset of the collection view was incorrectly being applied to the final offset. Ryan Nystrom (b2860c3)

    ⚡️ Avoid crash when invalidating the layout while inside `-[UICollectionView performBatchUpdates:completion:]. Ryan Nystrom (d9a89c9)

    Duplicate view models in IGListBindingSectionController gets filtered out. Weyert de Boer (#916)

    Check object type on lookup to prevent crossing types if different objects collide with their identifiers. Ryan Nystrom (296baf5)