Twitter Image Pipline v1.12.0 Release Notes

    • ➕ Add swizzling to mitigate crash in Apple's UIImage.
    • UIImage is thread safe except with image creation (Apple bugs #27141588 and #26954460) which creates a UITraitCollection that has a race condition that leads to overrelease.
    • Following same pattern as Peter Steinberger to mitigate the issue:
    • Swizzle [UITraitCollection traitCollectionWithDisplayScale:] to use a mutex for thread safety
    • Swizzling is opt-in via TIPGlobalConfiguration.forceUITraitCollectionToSynchronizeConstruction
    • 🛠 This issue definitely exists on iOS 9, but it might have been fixed on iOS 10. iOS 10 is in beta a.t.m. so we'll need to wait until we can validate in production.