JSPatch alternatives and similar libraries
Based on the "Bridging" category.
Alternatively, view JSPatch alternatives based on common mentions on social networks and blogs.
An iOS/OSX bridge for sending messages between Obj-C and JavaScript in UIWebViews/WebViews -
RubyMotion is a revolutionary toolchain that lets you quickly develop and test native iOS and OS X applications for iPhone, iPad and Mac, all using the Ruby language. -
This is a universal library that contains everything we need to know about the Xamarin universe. This is an open-source project from the community to the community.
InfluxDB - Purpose built for real-time analytics at any scale.
* Code Quality Rankings and insights are calculated and provided by Lumnify.
They vary from L1 to L5 with "L5" being the highest.
Do you think we are missing an alternative of JSPatch or a related project?
请大家不要自行接入 JSPatch,统一接入 JSPatch 平台,让热修复在一个安全和可控的环境下使用。原因详见 这里
JSPatch bridges Objective-C and JavaScript using the Objective-C runtime. You can call any Objective-C class and method in JavaScript by just including a small engine. That makes the APP obtaining the power of script language: add modules or replacing Objective-C code to fix bugs dynamically.
JSPatch is still in development, welcome to improve the project together.
Notice: Please go to Wiki to get full document.
@implementation AppDelegate
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions
[JPEngine startEngine];
NSString *sourcePath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"demo" ofType:@"js"];
NSString *script = [NSString stringWithContentsOfFile:sourcePath encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding error:nil];
[JPEngine evaluateScript:script];
self.window = [[UIWindow alloc] initWithFrame:[UIScreen mainScreen].bounds];
[self.window addSubview:[self genView]];
[self.window makeKeyAndVisible];
return YES;
- (UIView *)genView
return [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 320, 320)];
// demo.js
require('UIView, UIColor, UILabel')
defineClass('AppDelegate', {
// replace the -genView method
genView: function() {
var view = self.ORIGgenView();
var label = UILabel.alloc().initWithFrame(view.frame());
return view;
You can also try to use JSPatch Convertor to convertor code from Objective-C to JavaScript automatically.
CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Objective-C, which automates and simplifies the process of using 3rd-party libraries like JSPatch in your projects. See the "Getting Started" guide for more information.
# Your Podfile
platform :ios, '6.0'
pod 'JSPatch'
Copy JSEngine.m
in JSPatch/
to your project.
#import "JPEngine.h"
- call
[JPEngine startEngine]
- exec JavasScript by
[JPEngine evaluateScript:@""]
[JPEngine startEngine];
// exec js directly
[JPEngine evaluateScript:@"\
var alertView = require('UIAlertView').alloc().init();\
alertView.setMessage('AlertView from js'); \
alertView.show(); \
// exec js file from network
[NSURLConnection sendAsynchronousRequest:[NSURLRequest requestWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"http://cnbang.net/test.js"]] queue:[NSOperationQueue mainQueue] completionHandler:^(NSURLResponse *response, NSData *data, NSError *connectionError) {
NSString *script = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:data encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
[JPEngine evaluateScript:script];
// exec local js file
NSString *sourcePath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"sample" ofType:@"js"];
NSString *script = [NSString stringWithContentsOfFile:sourcePath encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding error:nil];
[JPEngine evaluateScript:script];
Base Usage
require('UIView, UIColor, UISlider, NSIndexPath')
// Invoke class method
var redColor = UIColor.redColor();
// Invoke instance method
var view = UIView.alloc().init();
// set proerty
// get property
var bgColor = view.backgroundColor();
// multi-params method (use underline to separate)
// OC:NSIndexPath *indexPath = [NSIndexPath indexPathForRow:0 inSection:1];
var indexPath = NSIndexPath.indexPathForRow_inSection(0, 1);
// method name contains underline (use double undeline to represent)
// OC: [JPObject _privateMethod];
// use .toJS() to convert NSArray / NSString / NSDictionary to JS type.
var arr = require('NSMutableArray').alloc().init()
jsArr = arr.toJS()
console.log(jsArr.push("Patch").join('')) //output: JSPatch
// use hashes to represent struct like CGRect / CGSize / CGPoint / NSRange
var view = UIView.alloc().initWithFrame({x:20, y:20, width:100, height:100});
var x = view.bounds().x;
// wrap function with `block()` when passing block from JS to OC
// OC Method: + (void)request:(void(^)(NSString *content, BOOL success))callback
require('JPObject').request(block("NSString *, BOOL", function(ctn, succ) {
if (succ) log(ctn)
// GCD
dispatch_after(1.0, function(){
// do something
// do something
Go to wiki page for more details: Base Usage
You can redefine an existing class and override methods.
// OC
@implementation JPTableViewController
- (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
NSString *content = self.dataSource[[indexPath row]]; //may cause out of bound
JPViewController *ctrl = [[JPViewController alloc] initWithContent:content];
[self.navigationController pushViewController:ctrl];
- (NSArray *)dataSource
return @[@"JSPatch", @"is"];
- (void)customMethod
NSLog(@"callCustom method")
// JS
defineClass("JPTableViewController", {
// instance method definitions
tableView_didSelectRowAtIndexPath: function(tableView, indexPath) {
var row = indexPath.row()
if (self.dataSource().count() > row) { //fix the out of bound bug here
var content = self.dataSource().objectAtIndex(row);
var ctrl = JPViewController.alloc().initWithContent(content);
dataSource: function() {
// get the original method by adding prefix 'ORIG'
var data = self.ORIGdataSource().toJS();
return data.push('Good!');
}, {})
Go to wiki page for more details: Usage of defineClass
There are some extensions provide support for custom struct type, C methods and other functional, call +addExtensions:
after starting engine to add extensions:
@implementation AppDelegate
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions
[JPEngine startEngine];
//add extensions after startEngine
[JPEngine addExtensions:@[@"JPInclude", @"JPCGTransform"]];
NSString *sourcePath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"demo" ofType:@"js"];
NSString *script = [NSString stringWithContentsOfFile:sourcePath encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding error:nil];
[JPEngine evaluateScript:script];
include('test.js') //include function provide by JPInclude.m
var view = require('UIView').alloc().init()
//CGAffineTransform is supported in JPCGTransform.m
view.setTransform({a:1, b:0, c:0, d:1, tx:0, ty:100})
Extensions can be added dynamiclly in JS, which is recommended:
require('JPEngine').addExtensions(['JPInclude', 'JPCGTransform'])
// `include()` and `CGAffineTransform` is avaliable now.
You can create your own extension to support custom struct type and C methods in project, see the wiki page for more details: Adding new extensions
- iOS 7+, forward compatibility with iOS 6
- JavaScriptCore.framework
- Support armv7/armv7s/arm64
*Note that all licence references and agreements mentioned in the JSPatch README section above
are relevant to that project's source code only.