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Showing projects tagged as macOS
7.0 8.4 SwiftQueuer is a queue manager, built on top of OperationQueue and Dispatch (aka GCD). -
glide engine
5.4 2.4 SwiftGame engine for making 2d games on iOS, macOS and tvOS, with practical examples and tutorials -
AirPods Battery Monitor For MacOS
4.9 2.6 SwiftYour AirPods Battery levels at your status bar | MacOS | Widget -
3.9 8.1 SwiftThe hassle-free way to add Segment analytics to your Swift app (iOS/tvOS/watchOS/macOS/Linux). -
3.2 0.0 SwiftRobust CoreData-CloudKit synchronization, including offline queuing, relationships, private, shared and public databases, field-level deltas, encrypted values, maskable attributes, cacheable assets, and more. -
2.6 6.8 SwiftCompositionalLayoutDSL, library to simplify the creation of UICollectionViewCompositionalLayout. It wraps the UIKit API and makes the code shorter and easier to read. -
2.0 0.0 SwiftCodableCloudKit allows you to easily save and retrieve Codable objects to iCloud Database (CloudKit) -
1.7 8.1 SwiftSwiftUI application to analyze Xcode build system graph (Experimental) -
QRCode Generator
0.9 6.6 SwiftMenu application for macOS that generates a QR code for any URL in the pasteboard -
SkrybaMD 📝
0.8 0.0 SwiftSwifty powered 🔌Markdown Documentation generator. If your team need easy way to maintain and create documentation, this generator is for you.