Liquid Analytics v0.9.0-beta Release Notes

    • [feature] Add support to alias anonymous users with identified users.
    • [feature] Anonymous users are now automatically handled. If you never identify your user, all activity will be tracked anonymously. As soon as an user is identified, all that anonymous activity will be automatically aliased to the identified user.
    • [feature] When a user is identified, it is kept in cache for the next launch. This means that you don't need to identify each time you start the app again.
    • ๐Ÿ›  [bugfix] Fix a problem on HTTP Requests queue, that could cause duplication or loss of events.
    • ๐Ÿ›  [bugfix] Fix a bug that could cause a bad access and a crash under edge cases, while loading new values for Liquid variables too often.
    • [enhancement] Improvements on demo app.
    • [enhancement] Better handling of background and foreground events.
    • [enhancement] Speed and stability improvements.
    • [enhancement] Improvements on event tracking dates that avoid two events tracked too quickly to be tracked in the wrong order.
    • [enhancements] The use of reserved names on Users and Events attributes will raise an assert under development environment (skipped/ignored attributes in production).
    • [change] Changed Device attributes from camelCase to underscore naming convention, and removed _ prefix (e.g: attribute _systemVersion was changed to system_version). This will not affect your queries on Liquid dashboard.
    • [change] Renamed device_model and device_name attributes to model and name on Device entity. This will not affect your queries on Liquid dashboard.
    • ๐Ÿ—„ [deprecate] Method flushOnBackground: was deprecated. When the app goes on background, HTTP queue is always flushed.