Mapbox GL v1.5.0 Release Notes

Release Date: 2020-03-26 // about 4 years ago
  • maps-v1.5.0

    ๐Ÿฑ โœจ New features

    [core] Add Renderer::clearData() (#16323)

    The newly added Renderer::clearData() method allows to clear render data and thus save memory and make sure outdated tiles are not shown. It clears data more agressively than Renderer::reduceMemoryUse() does, as it clears not only the cache but all orchestration data, including the data used by the currently rendered frame.

    ๐Ÿ’… [android] Add jni binding for styleable snapshotter (#16286)

    [core] Ability to set generic layer properties using setProperty method (#16324)
    This change enables the following new keys for the mbgl::Layer::setProperty() API:

    • "filter" invokes setFilter()
    • "minzoom" invokes setMinZoom()
    • "maxzoom" invokes setMaxZoom()
    • "source-layer" invokes setSourceLayer()

    ๐Ÿ’… The newly-added API is used in the style-conversion code, which made this code much simpler.

    [android] Expose getLayer, getSource and Observer interface for snapshotter (#16338)

    ๐Ÿฑ ๐Ÿž Bug fixes

    [core] Use TileCoordinates instead of LngLat for within expression calculation (#16319)

    ๐Ÿ›  Fix the issue that within expression evaluates point features inconsistently across zoom levels if the point lies near the boundary of a GeoJSON object (#16301)

    [core][tile mode] Reduce cut-off labels (#16336)

    Place tile intersecting labels first, across all the layers. Thus we reduce the amount of label cut-offs in Tile mode.

    Before, labels were arranged within one symbol layer (one bucket),which was not enough for several symbol layers being placed at the same time.

    [core] Fix issue that within expression returns incorrect results for geometries crossing the anti-meridian (#16330)