Changelog History
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v0.5.2 Changes
⚠ - Fixed compilation warning with Shorthand view Additions
v0.5.1 Changes
🛠 - Fixed compilation error when using objective-c++ (nickynick)
v0.5.0 Changes
⚡️ - Fixed bug in
(Rolken)Was not checking that the constraint relation was equivalent
- Added
(nickynick)⚡️ Similar to
however instead of trying to update existing constraints it Removes all constraints previously defined and installed for the view, allowing you to provide replacements without hassle.
- Added Autoboxing for scalar/struct attribute values (nickynick)
Autoboxing allows you to write equality relations and offsets by passing primitive values and structs; make.height.mas_equalTo(20); make.size.mas_equalTo(CGSizeMake(50, 100)); make.edges.mas_equalTo(UIEdgeInsetsMake(10, 0, 10, 0)); make.left.mas_equalTo(view).mas_offset(UIEdgeInsetsMake(10, 0, 10, 0));
0️⃣ by default these autoboxing macros are prefix with
If you want the unprefixed version you need to addMAS_SHORTHAND_GLOBALS
before importing Masonry.h (ie in your Prefix.pch)
- Added ability to chain view attributes
Composites are great for defining multiple attributes at once. The following example makes top, left, bottom, right equal to
However if only three of the sides are equal to
then we need to repeat quite a bit of codemake.left.equalTo(superview).insets(padding); make.right.equalTo(superview).insets(padding); make.bottom.equalTo(superview).insets(padding); // top needs to be equal to `otherView`;
This change makes it possible to chain view attributes to improve readability
v0.4.0 Changes
🛠 - Fixed Xcode auto-complete support (nickynick)
Breaking Changes
If you are holding onto any instances of masonry constraints ie
// in public/private interface @property (nonatomic, strong) id<MASConstraint> topConstraint;
You will need to change this to
// in public/private interface @property (nonatomic, strong) MASConstraint *topConstraint;
👀 Instead of using protocols Masonry now uses an abstract base class for constraints in order to get Xcode auto-complete support see
v0.3.2 Changes
👍 - Added support for Mac OSX animator proxy (pfandrade)
- Added setter methods for NSLayoutConstraint constant proxies like
.⚡️ now you can update these values using more natural syntax
self.edgesConstraint.insets(UIEdgeInsetsMake(20, 10, 15, 5));
can now be written as:
self.edgesConstraint.insets = UIEdgeInsetsMake(20, 10, 15, 5);
v0.3.1 Changes
- Added way to specify the same set of constraints to multiple views in an array (danielrhammond)
[@[view1, view2, view3] mas_makeConstraints:^(MASConstraintMaker *make) { make.baseline.equalTo(superView.mas_centerY); make.width.equalTo(@100); }];
v0.3.0 Changes
- Added
- (NSArray *)mas_updateConstraints:(void(^)(MASConstraintMaker *))block
⚡️ which will update existing constraints if possible, otherwise it will add them. This makes it easier to use Masonry within the
- (void)updateConstraints
method which is the recommended place for adding/updating constraints by apple.⚡️ - Updated examples for iOS7, added a few new examples.
- Added -isEqual: and -hash to MASViewAttribute [CraigSiemens].