
Programming language: Swift
License: MIT License
Tags: Cache    
Latest version: v1.1.0

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MemoryCache is a memory cache class in swift.

  • The MemoryCache class incorporates LRU policies, which ensure that a cache doesn’t use too much of the system’s memory. If memory is needed by other applications, it removes some items from the cache, minimizing its memory footprint.
  • You can add, remove, and query items with expiration in the cache from different threads without having to lock the cache yourself. ( thread-safe )
  • Unlike the NSCache class, the cache guarantees a type by its key. ( type-safe )
let memoryCache = MemoryCache.default // or initialize

// Defining a string (or hash) key for a dog value.
let dogKey = StringKey<Dog>("dog")

// Setting a dog value in memoryCache.
memoryCache.set(dog, for: dogKey)

// Getting a cached dog value in memoryCache.
let cachedDog = try? memoryCache.value(for: dogKey)

// Removing a cached dog value in memoryCache.
memoryCache.remove(for: dogKey)



Defining keys

let dogKey = StringKey<Dog>("dog")

Adding a Cached Value

memoryCache.set(dog, for: dogKey)

Getting a Cached Value

let dog = try? memoryCache.value(for: dogKey)

Removing Cached Values

  • Removes the cache of the specified key.

    memoryCache.remove(for: dogKey)
  • Removes the cache of the specified key if it expired.

    memoryCache.removeIfExpired(for: dogKey)
  • Removes All.




/// The maximum total cost that the memoryCache can hold before it starts evicting caches.
var totalCostLimit: Int

/// The maximum number of caches the memoryCache should hold.
var countLimit: Int

/// The total cost of values in the memoryCache.
var totalCost: Int

/// The number of values in the memoryCache.
var count: Int

/// A Boolean value indicating whether the memoryCache has no values.
var isEmpty: Bool

Implement delegate

import MemoryCache

class SomeClass: NSObject, MemoryCacheDelegate {

    let memoryCache: MemoryCache

    init() {
        memoryCache = MemoryCache.default



        memoryCache.delegate = self

    func memoryCache(_ memoryCache: MemoryCache, willEvict cache: Any) {
        // Called when an cache is about to be evicted or removed from the memoryCache.

Expiration date

You can specify expiration date for cache. The default expiration is .never.

/// The expiration date is `.never`.
memoryCache.set(dog, for: dogKey, expiration: .never)

/// The expiration date is `.seconds("""10s""")`.
memoryCache.set(dog, for: dogKey, expiration: .seconds(10))

/// The expiration date is `.date("""TOMORROW""")`.
memoryCache.set(dog, for: dogKey, expiration: .date(Date().addingTimeInterval(60 * 60 * 24)))

/// Remove the cache of the specified key if it expired.
memoryCache.removeIfExpired(for: dogKey)


  • Swift 4.2 ~
  • Xcode 10.1 ~



MemoryCache is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'MemoryCache'


You can integrate via Carthage, too. Add the following line to your Cartfile :

github "yysskk/MemoryCache"

and run carthage update


Yusuke Morishita

Support via PayPal


MemoryCache is available under the MIT license. See the [LICENSE](./LICENSE) file for more info.

*Note that all licence references and agreements mentioned in the MemoryCache README section above are relevant to that project's source code only.