MessageKit v0.12.0 Release Notes

  • ➕ Added

    • ➕ Added reloadDataAndKeepOffset() method to MessagesCollectionView to maintain the current position when reloading data. #284 by @azurechen.

    • ➕ Added maintainPositionOnKeyboardFrameChanged: Bool property to maintain the current position of the MessagesCollectionView when the height of the MessageInputBar changes. #340 by @KEN-chan.

    • ➕ Added detectorAttributes(for:and:at:) method to MessagesDisplayDelegate allowing DetectorType attributes to be set outside of the cell. #397 by @SD10.

    🛠 Fixed

    • 🛠 Fixed indexPathForLastItem bug when numberOfSections equal to 1. #395 by @zhongwuzw.

    • 🛠 Fixed scrollToBottom(animated:) not work in some situations. #395 by @zhongwuzw.

    • 🛠 Fixed .attributedText(NSAttributedString) messages that were not using the textColor from the MessagesDisplayDelegate method. #414 by @SD10.

    • 🛠 Fixed a bug where new messages using .attributedText(NSAttributedString) have the incorrect font. #412 by @SD10.

    🔄 Changed

    • 💥 Breaking Change The MessageLabel properties addressAttributes, dateAttributes, phoneNumberAttributes, and urlAttributes are now read only. Please use setAttributes(_:detector:) to set these properties. #397 by @SD10.

    • 💥 Breaking Change Removed the generic constraint <ContentView: UIView> from MessageCollectionViewCell. #391 by @SD10.

    • 💥 Breaking Change The contentView property has been renamed to imageView for LocationMessageCell and MediaMessageCell and messageLabel for TextMessageCell. #391 by @SD10.

    • 💥 Breaking Change Changed the name of MessageInputBar's property maxHeight to maxTextViewHeight as the property is the max height the InputTextView can have, not the MessageInputBar itself. #380 by @nathantannar4.

    • 💥 Breaking Change Adds a new view contentView of type UIView to the MessageInputBar to hold the main subviews of the MessageInputBar. Reduces complexity of constraints for easier testing/debugging. #384 by @nathantannar4.

    ✂ Removed

    • 💥 Breaking Change Removed scrollsToBottomOnFirstLayout flag of MessagesViewController. #395 by @zhongwuzw.