
Code Quality Rank: L4
Programming language: Swift
License: MIT License
Tags: Networking    
Latest version: v1.4

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NetworkKit License MIT

Build Status Available devices Version Carthage compatible

A lightweight iOS, Mac and Watch OS framework that makes networking and parsing super simple. Uses the open-sourced JSONHelper with functional parsing. For networking the library supports basic GET, POST, DELETE HTTP requests.



CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Cocoa projects. You can install it with the following command:

$ gem install cocoapods

To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

source 'https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git'
platform :ios, '8.0'

pod 'NetworkKit'

Then run the folloring command:

$ pod install


Carthage is a decentralized dependency manager that builds your dependencies and provides you with binary frameworks.

You can install Carthage with Homebrew using the following command:

$ brew update
$ brew install carthage

To integrate NetworkKit into your Xcode project using Carthage, add it into your Cartfile:

github "imex94/NetworkKit" ~> 1.3

Run carthage update to build the framework and drag the built NetworkKit.framework into your Xcode project under Target - General - Embedded binaries:

Import Framework


NetworkKitExample project provides a guidance to get started.

For the purpose of this example, let say we want to download one of the stories from Hacker News. For this let's use their API endpoint - https://hacker-news.firebaseio.com/v0/item/11245652.json?print=pretty, which give us the following JSON response:

Run in Postman

  "by": "jergason",
  "id": 11245652,
  "kids": [
  "time": 1457449896,
  "title": "CocoaPods downloads max out five GitHub server CPUs",
  "type": "story"

We want to deserialize the JSON response above to Swift object. To do this, we need a struct that conforms the protocol Deserializable and implement the required init(data: [String: AnyObject]) constructor and use the deserialization operator (<--):

import NetworkKit
struct NKItem: Deserializable {
    var id: Int?
    var username: String?
    var kids: [Int]?
    var title: String?
    var type: String?
    var date: NSDate?

    init(data: [String : AnyObject]) {
        id <-- data["id"]
        username <-- data["by"]
        kids <-- data["kids"]
        title <-- data["title"]
        type <-- data["type"]
        date <-- data["time"]

To connect to an API and perform a GET request is simple and intuitive and parsing is like magic:

  params: ["print": "pretty"],
  success: { data in
      var item: NKItem?
      item <-- data                                        
  failure: { error in




A simple HTTP GET method to get request from a url.

urlString - String The string representing the url.

<!-- auth (Optional) - NKOauth? Add Oauth 2.0 when the API requires one. Just specify the consumerKey and consumer Secret, like this NKOauth(consumerKey: "", consumerSecret: ""). -->

params (Optional) - [NSObject: AnyObject]? The parameters you need to pass with the GET method. Everything after '?'.

success - ((AnyObject) -> Void) Successful closure in case the request was successful.

failure - ((NKHTTPRequestError) -> Void) Failure Closure which notifies if any error has occurred during the request.


A simple HTTP POST method to post a resource to the url.

urlString - String The string representing the url.

<!-- auth (Optional) - NKOauth? Add Oauth 2.0 when the API requires one. Just specify the consumerKey and consumer Secret, like this NKOauth(consumerKey: "", consumerSecret: ""). -->

params (Optional) - [NSObject: AnyObject]? The body you need to pass with the POST method. Resources you want to pass.

success - ((AnyObject) -> Void) Successful closure in case the request was successful.

failure - ((NKHTTPRequestError) -> Void) Failure Closure which notifies if any error has occured during the request.


A simple HTTP DELETE method to delete a resource from the server.

urlString - String The string representing the url.

<!-- auth (Optional) - NKOauth? Add Oauth 2.0 when the API requires one. Just specify the consumerKey and consumer Secret, like this NKOauth(consumerKey: "", consumerSecret: ""). -->

params (Optional) - [NSObject: AnyObject]? The body you need to pass with the DELETE method. Resources you want to delete.

success - ((AnyObject) -> Void) Successful closure in case the request was successful.

failure - ((NKHTTPRequestError) -> Void) Failure Closure which notifies if any error has occured during the request.

<!-- #### OAuth 2.0

Or if you need OAuth 2.0 to use an API, that's also simple, just include the auth consumer key and consumer secret when you perform a request:

  auth: NKOauth(consumerKey: "consumerKey", consumerSecret: "consumerSecret"),
  params: ["print": "pretty"],
  success: { data in
      var item: NKEItem?
      item <-- data
  failure: { error in
``` -->

#### Cancel HTTP Requests

There are error and internet availability checking implemented in the framework, but you can simply cancel any task you want if its needed:

let dataTask = NKHTTPRequest.GET(
  params: ["print": "pretty"],
  success: { data in

  failure: { error in



Simple use of parsing can be seen above. There are more advanced options to use

Assigning default values
struct NKItem: Deserializable {
    var id = 0
    var username = ""

    init(data: [String : AnyObject]) {
        id <-- data["id"]
        username <-- data["by"]
NSURL Deserialization
let profileImage: NSURL?
profileImage <-- "https://example.com/images/profile_normal.png"
NSDate Deserialization
let date: NSDate?
date <-- 1414172803 // timestamp to NSDate deserialization
Nested JSON

Let's consider a the truncated version of the Twitter API response:

Run in Postman

  "text":"Aggressive Ponytail #freebandnames",
  "retweet_count": 2,
      "name":"Sean Cummings",
      "location":"LA, CA",

Where you can just simply create a User and a Tweet structure with a user instance inside:

struct NKTwitterUser: Deserializable {
    var name = ""
    var location = ""
    var verified = false
    var screenName = ""

    init(data: [String : AnyObject]) {
        name <-- data["name"]
        location <-- data["location"]
        verified <-- data["verified"]
        screenName <-- data["screen_name"]
struct NKTweet: Deserializable {
    var text = ""
    var retweetCount = 0
    var user: NKTwitterUser?

    init(data: [String : AnyObject]) {
        text <-- data["text"]
        retweetCount <-- data["retweet_count"]
        user <-- data["user"]

It's that simple.


NetworkKit is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info. MIT โ“’ Alex Telek

*Note that all licence references and agreements mentioned in the NetworkKit README section above are relevant to that project's source code only.