
Code Quality Rank: L3
Programming language: Swift
License: MIT License
Tags: UI     Alerts    
Latest version: v0.1.8

NoticeBar alternatives and similar libraries

Based on the "Alerts" category.
Alternatively, view NoticeBar alternatives based on common mentions on social networks and blogs.

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๐Ÿ˜A simple NoticeBar written by Swift 3, similar with QQ notice view.๐Ÿ˜€
Build Status pod version Carthage compatible GitHub license


Remember: If you want the status bar style change, you must set the View controller-based status bar appearance to NO in the info.plist.


Swift 3.0 & iOS 8+


  1. add pod 'NoticeBar' to your Podfile.
  2. Run pod install OR pod update.
  3. import Noticebar
  1. Add Noticebar to your Cartfile. e.g., github "qiuncheng/Noticebar" ~> 0.1.5
  2. Run carthage update
  3. Follow the rest of the standard Carthage installation instructions to add Noticebar to your project.
  4. import NoticeBar
  1. Download the full file.
  2. Drag the NoticeBar folder to your project.


Four Default Types:
  • NoticeBarAnimationType.info
  • NoticeBarAnimationType.attention
  • NoticeBarAnimationType.success
  • NoticeBarAnimationType.error

How to use? For example: -> NoticeBarAnimationType.info:

/// title : The message you want to show
/// defaultType : Above four types with different style above.
let noticeBar = NoticeBar(title: "#message", defaultType:.info)
/// duration : How long the noticeBar will stay. And it will dismiss automatically. 
/// completed :optional. When the noticeBar dismissed, what you want to do, nothing type nil.
noticeBar.show(duration: #TimeInterval, completed: { (#Bool) in
Custom NoticeBarConfig

The NoticeBarConfig will manage the NoticeBar's title default is nil, image if needed, textColor default is UIColor.black, backgroundColor default is UIColor.white, animationType default is from NoticeBarAnimationType.top, barStyle default is NoticeBarStyle.onNavigationBar, margin default is 10.0 which will determine the space between image and title, the space between NoticeBar left and image.
How to use? For example:

/// NoticeBarConfig : There are some other NoticeBarConfig init, it's up to you which to use.
let config = NoticeBarConfig(title: "#message you want to show.", image: #image, textColor: UIColor.white, backgroundColor: UIColor.red, barStyle: NoticeBarStyle.onNavigationBar, animationType: NoticeBarAnimationType.top )
let noticeBar = NoticeBar(config: config)
/// do something before noticeBar show.      
/// such as : UIApplication.shared.statusBarStyle = .lightContent
noticeBar.show(duration: 2.0, completed: {
    (finished) in
    if finished {
        /// do something here.
        /// such as : UIApplication.shared.statusBarStyle = .default


  • [ ] Add background image
  • [ ] Add custom view
  • [x] Add custom super view, now is keyWindows.
  • [ ] Add dismiss action manually, now dimiss is automatically.


  1. QQ's Notice View which the idea come from.

  2. Pin's Notice View which I take example by.


Under MIT License

Copyright (c) 2016 QiunCheng. All rights reserved.

About me

A student in Xidian University. MY RESUME.
If you have a new idea about this project, Please let me know. OR pull request.

*Note that all licence references and agreements mentioned in the NoticeBar README section above are relevant to that project's source code only.