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Avg Release Cycle
26 days
Latest Release
1237 days ago

Changelog History
Page 1

  • v9.2.0 Changes

    November 28, 2020

    ➕ Additions

    • ➕ Add an option to remove an image from all cache layers pipeline.removeCachedImage(for:)
    • ➕ Add ImageRequest.CachePolicy to ImageRequest. Use .reloadIgnoringCacheData to reload the image ignoring all cached data - #411
    • ➕ Add support for extended color spaces - #408
    • ➕ Add ImageProcessors.Circle and ImageProcessors.RoundedCorners on macOS - #410
    • ➕ Add ImageProcessors.CoreImage and ImageProcessors.GaussianBlur on macOS - #413
    • ➕ Add ImageType.webp. WebP is natively supported by the latest Apple platforms - #412

    👌 Improvements

    • Introduce ImageRequestConvertible protocol to narrow the number of public APIs. For example, if you type ImagePipeline.shared.loadImage..., it's now going to suggest twice fewer options.
    • ✂ Remove Image typealias deprecated in Nuke 8.4
    • ✂ Remove public CGSize: Hashable conformance - #410
    • Decompression and resizing now preserve image color space and other parameters. For example, grayscale images with 8 bits per component stay images with 8 bits per component.
    • Switch from Travis to GitHub Actions - #409
    • 🛠 Fix "Backward matching of the unlabeled trailing closure is deprecated" warnings
  • v9.1.3 Changes

    November 17, 2020
    • 🛠 Fix an issue where HTTP range for resumable requests would sometimes be sent incorrectly - #389
    • 🛠 Fix compile time warnings in Xcode 12
  • v9.1.2 Changes

    August 25, 2020
    • 🛠 Fix an issue with ImageCache memory pressure monitoring where it was clearing the contents when memory pressure changes to normal level - #392 by Eric Jensen
  • v9.1.1 Changes

    June 19, 2020

    🛠 Fixes

    • 🛠 Fix how RateLimiter clamps the delay – #374 by Tangent
    • 🛠 Fix an issue where ImageTask would stay in memory indefinitely in certain situations - #377 by Ken Bongort
    • 🛠 Fix an issue in a demo project where "Rate Limiter" demo would use incorrect cell size on first draw
  • v9.1.0 Changes

    June 01, 2020

    ✨ Enhancements

    • ImageCache now uses DispatchSourceMemoryPressure instead UIApplication.didReceiveMemoryWarningNotification to improve watchOS support - #370, by Dennis Oberhoff
    • ➕ Add tintColor option to ImageLoadingOptions - #371 by Basem Emara
    • 📚 Minor documentation fixes and improvements
  • v9.0.0 Changes

    May 20, 2020

    Nuke 9 is the best release so far with refinements across the entire framework and some exciting new additions.

    SwiftUI · Combine · Task builder API · New advanced set of core protocols for power-users · HEIF · Transcoding images in disk cache · Progressive decoding performance improvements · Improved resizing APIs · Automatic registering of decoders · SVG · And More

    📚 Most of the Nuke APIs are source compatible with Nuke 8. There is also a Nuke 9 Migration Guide to help with migration.


    The primary focus of this release was to build on top the infrastructure introduced in Nuke 8 to deliver more advanced features while keeping the easy things easy. To achieve this, in Nuke 9, all core protocols, like ImageProcessing, ImageEncoding, ImageDecoding, now have a basic subset of methods that you must implement, and then there are new advanced methods which are optional and give you full control over the pipeline.

    📦 Along with Nuke 9, three new amazing Swift packages were introduced:

    • FetchImage which makes it easy to use Nuke with SwiftUI
    • ImagePublisher with Combine publishers for Nuke
    • And finally ImageTaskBuilder which introduces a new fun and convenient way to use Nuke. I really love this package. Just look at these APIs:

      ImagePipeline.shared.image(with: URL(string: "https://")!) .resize(width: 320) .blur(radius: 10) .priority(.high) .load { result inprint(result) }

    👌 I would also like to highlight a few other changes to improve documentation.

    First, there is a completely new API Reference available generated using SwiftDoc, a new package for generating documentation for Swift projects.

    There is a completely new README and two new guides:

    • Image Pipeline Guide with a detailed description of how the pipeline delivers images
    • Image Formats Guide with an overview of the improved decoding/encoding infrastructure and information how to support variety of image formats: GIF, HEIF, SVG, WeP, and more.

    There is also a new Troubleshooting Guide.

    📦 Another small but delightful change the demo project which can now be run by simply clicking on the project and running it, all thanks to Swift Package Manager magic.

    🔄 Changelog

    General Improvements

    • ⬆️ Bump minimum platform version requirements. The minimum iOS version is now iOS 11 which is a 64-bit only system. This is great news if you are installing your dependencies using Carthage as Nuke is now going to compile twice as fast: no need to compile for i386 and armv7 anymore.

    📚 Documentation Improvements

    ImageProcessing improvements

    There are now two levels of image processing APIs. For the basic processing needs, implement the following method:

    func process(\_ image: UIImage) -\> UIImage? // NSImage on macOS

    📇 If your processor needs to manipulate image metadata (ImageContainer), or get access to more information via the context (ImageProcessingContext), there is now an additional method that allows you to do that:

    func process(\_ container: ImageContainer, context: ImageProcessingContext) -\> ImageContainer?
    • 🚚 All image processors are now available ImageProcessors namespace so it is now easier to find the ones you are looking for. Unrelated types were moved to ImageProcessingOption.
    • ➕ Add ImageResponse to ImageProcessingContext
    • 🆕 New convenience ImageProcessors.Resize.init(width:) and ImageProcessors.Resize.init(height:) initializers

    ImageDecoding Improvements

    • ➕ Add a new way to register the decoders in ImageDecoderRegistry with ImageDecoderRegistering protocol. public func register<Decoder: ImageDecoderRegistering>(_ decoder: Decoder.Type) - #354

      /// An image decoder which supports automatically registering in the decoder register.public protocol ImageDecoderRegistering: ImageDecoding { init?(data: Data, context: ImageDecodingContext) // Optionalinit?(partiallyDownloadedData data: Data, context: ImageDecodingContext) }

    • 0️⃣ The default decoder now implements ImageDecoderRegistering protocol

    • ⚡️ Update the way decoders are created. Now if the decoder registry can't create a decoder for the partially downloaded data, the pipeline will no longer create (failing) decoding operation reducing the pressure on the decoding queue

    • Rework ImageDecoding protocol

    • 👍 Nuke now supports decompression and processing of images that require image data to work

    • 🗄 Deprecate ImageResponse.scanNumber, the scan number is now passed in ImageContainer.userInfo[ImageDecodert.scanNumberKey] (this is a format-specific feature and that's why I made it non-type safe and somewhat hidden). Previously, it was also only working for the default ImageDecoders.Default. Now any decoder can pass scan number, or any other information using ImageContainer.userInfo

    • All decoders are now defined in ImageDecoders namespace

    • ➕ Add ImageDecoders.Empty

    • ➕ Add ImageType struct

    ImageEncoding Improvements

    #353 - There are now two levels of image encoding APIs. For the basic encoding needs, implement the following method:

    func encode(\_ image: UIImage) -\> UIImage? // NSImage on macOS

    📇 If your encoders needs to manipulate image metadata (ImageContainer), or get access to more information via the context (ImageEncodingContext), there is now an additional method that allows you to do that:

    func encode(\_ container: ImageContainer, context: ImageEncodingContext) -\> Data?
    • All image encoders are now available ImageEncoders namespace so it is now easier to find the ones you are looking for.
    • ➕ Add ImageEncoders.ImageIO with HEIF support - #344
    • 🔧 The default adaptive encoder now uses ImageEncoders.ImageIO under the hood and can be configured to support HEIF

    Progressive Decoding Improvements

    • You can now opt-in to store progressively generated previews in the memory cache by setting the pipeline option isStoringPreviewsInMemoryCache to true. All of the previews have isPreview flag set to true. - $352

    👌 Improved Cache For Processed Images - #345

    🚀 Nuke 9 revisits data cache for processed images feature introduced in Nuke 8.0 and fixes all the rough edges around it.

    There are two primary changes.

    🗄 1. Deprecate isDataCachingForOriginalImageDataEnabled and isDataCachingForProcessedImagesEnabled properties.

    These properties were replaced with a new DataCacheOptions.

    public struct DataCacheOptions { /// Specifies which content to store in the `dataCache`. By default, the/// pipeline only stores the original image data downloaded using `dataLoader`./// It can be configured to encode and store processed images instead.////// - note: If you are creating multiple versions of the same image using/// different processors, it might be worse enabling both `.originalData`/// and `.encodedImages` cache to reuse the same downloaded data.////// - note: It might be worth enabling `.encodedImages` if you want to/// transcode downloaded images into a more efficient format, like HEIF.public var storedItems: Set\<DataCacheItem\> = [.originalImageData] }public enum DataCacheItem { /// Original image originalImageData/// Final image with all processors finalImage}

    📚 Now we no longer rely on documentation to make sure that you disable data cache for original image data when you decide to cache processed images instead.

    2. Rework DataCacheItem.finalImage behavior.

    🗄 The primary reason for deprecation is a significantly changed behavior of data cache for processed images.

    👀 The initial version introduced back in Nuke 8.0 never really made sense. For example, only images for requests with processors were stored, but not the ones without. You can see how this could be a problem, especially if you disable data cache for original image data which was a recommended option.

    🔧 The new behavior is much simpler. You set configuration.dataCacheOptions.storedItems to [. finalImage], and Nuke encodes and stores all of the downloaded images, regardless of whether they were processed or not.

    DataCache Improvements - #350

    ⚡️ Nuke 9 realized the original vision for DataCache. The updated staging/flushing mechanism now performs flushes on certain intervals instead of on every write. This makes some of the new DataCache features possible.

    • 🔀 flush not performs synchronously
    • ➕ Add flush(for:) methods which allows to flush changes on disk only for the given key
    • ➕ Add public property let queue: DispatchQueue
    • ➕ Add public method func url(for key: Key) -> URL?


    🚀 This release introduces ImageContainer type. It is integrated throughout the framework instead of PlatformImage.


    • Separate responsibility. ImageResponse - result of the current request with information about the current request, e.g. URLResponse that was received. ImageContainer - the actual downloaded and processed image regardless of the request
    • Stop relying on Objective-C runtime which animatedImageData was using
    • Stop relying on extending Objective-C classes like UIImage
    • ➕ Add type-safe way to attach additional information to downloaded images

    🔄 Changes

    • ⚡️ Update ImageCaching protocol to store ImageContainer instead of ImageResponse. ImageResponse is a result of the individual request, it should not be saved in caches.

      public protocol ImageCaching: AnyObject { subscript(request: ImageRequest) -> ImageContainer?}

    • ⚡️ Update ImagePipeline.cachedImage(for:) method to return ImageContainer

    • 🗄 Deprecate PlatformImage.animatedImageData, please use instead

    • 🗄 Deprecated ImagePipelineConfiguration.isAnimatedImageDataEnabled, the default ImageDecoder now set automatically when it recognizes GIF format


    • ImagePreheater now automatically cancels all of the outstanding tasks on deinit - #349
    • ImagePipeline now has func cacheKey(for request: ImageRequest, item: DataCacheItem) -> String method which return a key for disk cache
    • 🔄 Change the type of ImageRequest.userInfo from Any? to [AnyHashable: Any]
    • ✂ Remove DFCache from demo - #347
    • ✂ Remove FLAnimatedImage and Carthage usage from demo - #348
    • Migrate to Swift 5.1 - #351
    • ➕ Add ImageType.init(data:)
    • ➕ Add ImageLoadingOptions.isProgressiveRenderingEnabled
    • ➕ Add public
    • ➕ Add "Rendering Engines" section in
    • ImageDecoder now attaches ImageType to the image
    • ImageProcessingOptions.Border now accepts unit as a parameter

    🛠 Fixes

    • 🛠 Fix how ImageProcesors.Resize compares size when different units are used
    • 🛠 Fix an issue with ImageProcessors.Resize String identifier being equal with different content modes provided
    • 🛠 Fix TSan warnings - #365, by Luciano Almeida
  • v9.0.0-rc.2 Changes

    May 08, 2020
  • v9.0.0-rc.1 Changes

    April 30, 2020

    🚀 No major changes compared to Beta 2. See previous release notes for more info.

  • v9.0.0-beta.2 Changes

    April 09, 2020

    🚀 > For changes in Nuke 9, see

    🔄 Changes

    • ➕ Add ImageType.init(data:)
    • ➕ Add ImageLoadingOptions.isProgressiveRenderingEnabled
    • ➕ Add public
    • ➕ Add "Rendering Engines" section in
    • ImageDecoder now attaches ImageType to the image
    • ImageProcessingOptions.Border now accepts unit as a parameter

    🗄 Deprecations

    • 🗄 Soft-deprecate PlatformImage.animatedImageData
    • 🗄 Soft-deprecate ImagePipelineConfiguration.isAnimatedImageDataEnabled

    🛠 Fixes

    • 🛠 Fix how ImageProcesors.Resize compares size when different units are used
    • 🛠 Fix an issue with ImageProcessors.Resize String identifier being equal with different content modes provided
  • v9.0.0-beta.1 Changes

    April 01, 2020

    🚀 Nuke 9 is the best release so far with refinements across the entire framework.

    SwiftUI · Combine · Task builder API · New advanced set of core protocols for power-users · HEIF · Transcoding images in disk cache · Progressive decoding performance improvements · Improved resizing APIs · Automatic registering of decoders · SVG · And More

    📚 Most of the Nuke APIs are source compatible with Nuke 8. There is also a Nuke 9 Migration Guide (WIP) to help with migration.


    The primary focus of this release was to build on top the infrastructure introduced in Nuke 8 to deliver more and better advanced features while keeping the easy things easy. To achieve this, in Nuke 9 all core protocols, like ImageProcessing, ImageEncoding, ImageDecoding, now have a basic subset of methods that you must implement, and then there are new advanced methods which give you full control.

    Taking cues from Combine, all processors are now available in ImageProcessors namespace, all encoders are now available in ImageEncoders namespace... you get the idea.

    📦 Along with Nuke 9, three new amazing Swift packages were introduced:

    • FetchImage which makes it easy to use Nuke with SwiftUI
    • ImagePublisher with Combine publishers for Nuke
    • And finally ImageTaskBuilder which introduces a new fun and convenient way to use Nuke. I really love this package. Just look at these APIs:

      ImagePipeline.shared.image(with: URL(string: "https://")!) .resize(width: 320) .blur(radius: 10) .priority(.high) .load { result inprint(result) }

    I would also like to highlight two other changes.

    First, there is a completely new README and two new guides:

    • Image Pipeline Guide with a detailed description of how the pipeline delivers images
    • Image Formats Guide with an overview of the improved decoding/encoding infrastructure and information how to support variety of image formats: GIF, HEIF, SVG, WeP, and more.

    There is also a new Troubleshooting Guide. I would really recommend going through the updated documentation.

    📦 Another small but delightful change the demo project which can now be run by simply clicking on the project and running it, all thank to Swift Package Manager magic.

    🔄 Changelog

    General Improvements

    • ⬆️ Bump minimum platform version requirements. The minimum iOS version is now iOS 11 which is a 64-bit only system. This is great news if you are installing your dependencies using Carthage as Nuke is now going to compile twice as fast: no need to compile for i386 and armv7 anymore.

    📚 Documentation Improvements


    🚀 This release introduces ImageContainer type. It is integrated throught the framework instead of PlatformImage.


    • Separate responsibility. ImageResponse - result of the current request with information about the current request, e.g. URLResponse that was received. ImageContainer - the actual downloaded and processed image regardless of the request
    • Stop relying on Objective-C runtime which animatedImageData was using
    • Stop relying on extending Objective-C classes like UIImage
    • ➕ Add type-safe way to attach additional information to downloaded images

    🔄 Changes

    • ⚡️ Update ImageCaching protocol to store ImageContainer instead of ImageResponse. ImageResponse is a result of the individual request, it should not be saved in caches.

      public protocol ImageCaching: AnyObject { subscript(request: ImageRequest) -> ImageContainer?}

    • ⚡️ Update ImagePipeline.cachedImage(for:) method to return ImageContainer

    • 🗄 Deprecate PlatformImage.animatedImageData, please use instead

    • 🗄 Deprecated ImagePipelineConfiguration.isAnimatedImageDataEnabled, the default ImageDecoder now set automatically when it recognizes GIF format

    ImageProcessing improvements

    There are now two levels of image processing APIs. For the basic processing needs, implement the following method:

    func process(\_ image: UIImage) -\> UIImage? // NSImage on macOS

    📇 If your processor needs to manipulate image metadata (ImageContainer), or get access to more information via the context (ImageProcessingContext), there is now an additional method that allows you to do that:

    func process(\_ container: ImageContainer, context: ImageProcessingContext) -\> ImageContainer?
    • 🚚 All image processors are now available ImageProcessors namespace so it is now easier to find the ones you are looking for. Unrelated types were moved to ImageProcessingOption.
    • ➕ Add ImageResponse to ImageProcessingContext
    • 🆕 New convenience ImageProcessors.Resize.init(width:) and ImageProcessors.Resize.init(height:) initializers

    🚧 ImageDecoding Improvements (WIP)

    • ➕ Add a new way to register the decoders in ImageDecoderRegistry with ImageDecoderRegistering protocol. public func register<Decoder: ImageDecoderRegistering>(_ decoder: Decoder.Type) - #354

      /// An image decoder which supports automatically registering in the decoder register.public protocol ImageDecoderRegistering: ImageDecoding { init?(data: Data, context: ImageDecodingContext) // Optionalinit?(partiallyDownloadedData data: Data, context: ImageDecodingContext) }

    • 0️⃣ The default decoder now implementes ImageDecoderRegistering protocol

    • ⚡️ Update the way decoders are created. Now if the decoder registry can't create a decoder for the partially downloaded data, the pipeline will no longer create (failing) decoding operation reducing the pressure on the decoding queue

    • Rework ImageDecoding protocol

    • 👍 Nuke now supports decompression and processing of images that require image data to work

    • 🗄 Deprecate ImageResponse.scanNumber, the scan number is now passed in ImageContainer.userInfo[ImageDecodert.scanNumberKey] (this is a format-specific feature and that's why I made it non-type safe and somewhat hidden). Previusly it was also only working for the default ImageDecoders.Default. Now any decoder can pass scan number, or any other information using ImageContainer.userInfo

    • All decoders are now defined in ImageDecoders namespace

    • ➕ Add ImageDecoders.Empty

    • ➕ Add ImageType struct


    ImageEncoding Improvements

    #353 - There are now two levels of image encoding APIs. For the basic encoding needs, implement the following method:

    func encode(\_ image: UIImage) -\> UIImage? // NSImage on macOS

    📇 If your encoders needs to manipulate image metadata (ImageContainer), or get access to more information via the context (ImageEncodingContext), there is now an additional method that allows you to do that:

    func encode(\_ container: ImageContainer, context: ImageEncodingContext) -\> Data?
    • All image encoders are now available ImageEncoders namespace so it is now easier to find the ones you are looking for.
    • ➕ Add ImageEncoders.ImageIO with HEIF support - #344
    • 🔧 The default adaptive encoder now uses ImageEncoders.ImageIO under the hood and can be configured to support HEIF

    Progressive Decoding Improvements

    • You can now opt-in to store progressively generated previews in the memory cache by setting the pipeline option isStoringPreviewsInMemoryCache to true. All of the previews have isPreview flag set to true. - $352

    👌 Improved Cache For Processed Images - #345

    🚀 Nuke 9 revisits data cache for processed images feature introduced in Nuke 8.0 and fixes all the rough edges around it.

    There are two primary changes.

    🗄 1. Deprecate isDataCachingForOriginalImageDataEnabled and isDataCachingForProcessedImagesEnabled properties.

    These properties were replaced with a new DataCacheOptions.

    public struct DataCacheOptions { /// Specifies which content to store in the `dataCache`. By default, the/// pipeline only stores the original image data downloaded using `dataLoader`./// It can be configured to encode and store processed images instead.////// - note: If you are creating multiple versions of the same image using/// different processors, it might be worse enabling both `.originalData`/// and `.encodedImages` cache to reuse the same downloaded data.////// - note: It might be worth enabling `.encodedImages` if you want to/// transcode downloaded images into a more efficient format, like HEIF.public var storedItems: Set\<DataCacheItem\> = [.originalImageData] }public enum DataCacheItem { /// Originl image originalImageData/// Final image with all processors finalImage}

    📚 Now we no longer rely on documentation to make sure that you disable data cache for original image data when you decide to cache processed images instead.

    2. Rework DataCacheItem.finalImage behavior.

    🗄 The primary reason for deprecation is a significantly changed behavior of data cache for processed images.

    👀 The initial version introduced back in Nuke 8.0 never really made sense. For example, only images for requests with processors were stored, but not the ones without. You can see how this could be a problem, especially if you disable data cache for original image data which was a recommended option.

    🔧 The new behavior is much simpler. You set configuration.dataCacheOptions.storedItems to [. finalImage], and Nuke encodes and stores all of the downloaded images, regardless of whether they were processed or not.

    DataCache Improvements - #350

    ⚡️ Nuke 9 realized the original vision for DataCache. The updated staging/flushing mechanism now performs flushes on certain intervals instead of on every write. This makes some of the new DataCache features possible.

    • 🔀 flush not performs synchronously
    • ➕ Add flush(for:) methods which allows to flush changes on disk only for the given key
    • ➕ Add public property let queue: DispatchQueue
    • ➕ Add public method func url(for key: Key) -> URL?


    • ImagePreheater now automatically cancels all of the outstanding tasks on deinit - #349
    • ImagePipeline now has func cacheKey(for request: ImageRequest, item: DataCacheItem) -> String method which return a key for disk cache
    • 🔄 Change the type of ImageRequest.userInfo from Any? to [AnyHashable: Any]
    • ✂ Remove DFCache from demo - #347
    • ✂ Remove FLAnimatedImage and Carthage usage from demo - #348
    • Migrate to Swift 5.1 - #351