OKTableViewLiaison v3.1.0 Release Notes
Release Date: 2018-09-20 // about 6 years ago-
Convert library to utilized Swift 4.2
⚡️ Updated Travis CI environment to use Xcode 10, added iOS 12 simulator test build
Previous changes from v3.0.0
OKTableViewSection is now a struct. Changes across the framework have been made to accomodate for this, particularly around Array access when manipulating rows within a section.OKTableViewRegistrationType:
Now wraps generic type T instead of T: UIView.
Associated and computed identifier value/property renamed to reuseIdentifierOKTableViewLiaison:
✂ Removed public func section(for index: Int) -> OKTableViewSection?, public func section(for indexPath: IndexPath) -> OKTableViewSection? and public func row(for indexPath: IndexPath) -> OKAnyTableViewRow?OKTableViewLiaison+Pagination:
👍 func endPagination(rows: [OKAnyTableViewRow]) and func endPagination(sections: [OKTableViewSection]) now support UITableViewRowAnimationOKTableViewLiaison+Registration:
🚚 UITableViewCell & UITableViewHeaderFooterView registration has been moved off the OKTableViewSection and onto the OKTableViewLiaison itself.OKTableViewContent:
🆕 New protocol to encapsulate height, estimatedHeight, reuseIdentifier, and func register(with tableView: UITableView) for OKAnyTableViewRow & OKAnyTableViewSectionComponentOKTableViewLiaisonPaginationDelegate:
Now conforms to AnyObject instead of class