Overcoat v4.0 Release Notes

  • ๐Ÿ‘€ See https://github.com/Overcoat/Overcoat/issues/113

    Migrate from 3.x

    โฌ†๏ธ 1. Support of Mantle 1.x has been dropped. Upgrade your models to Mantle 2.x before migrating to Overcoat 4.0. โฌ†๏ธ 2. Overcoat 4.x only works with AFNetworking 3.x, so you have to upgrade your networking manager to 3.x too. ๐Ÿ‘ 3. Support of NSURLConnection has been dropped since AFNetwokring 3.x doesn't support it either.

    1. Overcoat 4.x is able to be integrated via Carthage. โœ… 5. Support to ReactiveCocoa 3.x/4.x has been tested. The podspec also accept those versions. ๐Ÿ‘€ 6. +[OVCHTTPSessionManager responseClass] has been deprecated. Use +[OVCHTTPSessionManager responseClassesByResourcePath] instead. See default implementation of OVCHTTPSessionManager for migration example. There would be a warning message shown via NSLog for ths. ๐Ÿ‘€ 7. +[OVCHTTPSessionManager errorModelClass] has been deprecated. Use +[OVCHTTPSessionManager errorModelClassesByResourcePath] instead. See TestSessionManager in OVCHTTPSessionManagerTests.m for migration example. There would be a warning message shown via NSLog for ths.
    2. A new property named rawResult has been added into OVCResponse. It's the raw JSON object/array returned from remote server.
    3. OVCURLMatcher accepts not only classes but also blocks for extra matching methods. (Like http request method and response status code) ๐Ÿ‘ 10. All methods in PromiseKit support has added pmk_ as prefix.