PhotoEditor SDK v8.5.0 Release Notes

  • โž• Added

    • โž• Added PhotoEditViewController.presentTool(for:) to programmatically present the tool for a given ToolMenuItem. This can be used to directly transition to one of the tools when presenting the editor.

    ๐Ÿ”„ Changed

    • Changed all localization keys throughout the SDK to match the pattern pesdk_context_type_description where context is usually the tool where the string appears (e.g. focus), type represents the type of the string such as button or text and description represents the actual use of the string, such as brightnessIntensitySliderLabel. This scheme is now used on the other platforms as well. We're falling back to the old localization keys in case the new ones can't be found to not break backwards compatibility, but we suggest you adopt the new keys as soon as possible.