
Code Quality Rank: L5
Programming language: Swift
License: MIT License
Tags: Injection    
Latest version: v9.1

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Guise is an elegant, flexible, type-safe dependency resolution framework for Swift.

  • [x] Flexible dependency resolution, with optional caching
  • [x] Elegant, straightforward registration
  • [x] Thread-safe
  • [x] Simplifies unit testing
  • [x] Support for containers, named dependencies, and arbitrary types
  • [x] Pass arbitrary state when resolving
  • [x] Typesafe KeyPath injection
  • [x] Lazy resolution
  • [x] Support for arbitrary metadata
  • [x] Swift 5.x (for Swift 4.x use v8.0)
  • [x] Support for iOS 8.0+, macOS 10.9+, watchOS 2+, tvOS 9+

What Makes Guise Better Than Those Other Guys?

  • Guise doesn't require any modification to the types you register. There are no special interfaces like Injectable or Component to implement. There are no special initializers or properties to add. Any type can be registered as is.
  • Guise was designed with Swift in mind. Other DI frameworks for Swift appear to be translations of frameworks from other languages, particularly C♯ and Java. These languages have strengths and weaknesses that are different from those of Swift, and those strengths and weaknesses are reflected in the design of these frameworks. This makes them clumsy in Swift.
  • Many of these frameworks register types directly. Guise registers blocks directly and types indirectly. This simple distinction removes an enormous amount of complexity while introducing greater compile-time safety. When combined with Swift's @autoclosure attribute, it makes registration elegant and minimal. (See the sections on factory and instance registration below.)
  • Guise was designed to be simple rather than easy. Turns out it's both.


Here's a quick taste of what Guise can do and how it does it.


// The `factory` parameter is an @autoclosure.
Guise.register(factory: Implementation() as Plugin)

// The `instance` parameter is also an @autoclosure. Guise is lazy wherever possible.
Guise.register(instance: Singleton() as Service)

// Register a block directly and parameterize it.
Guise.register{ (x: Int) in Something(x: x) }

// Use a name to disambiguate registrations. (Otherwise the last one wins.)
// A name can be any `Hashable` type.
Guise.register(factory: Implementation1() as Plugin, name: Name.implementation1)
Guise.register(factory: Implementation2() as Plugin, name: Name.implementation2)

class Controller {
  var service: Service!

  init(something: Something, plugin: Plugin) {
    // blah blah

// Initializer injection
Guise.register{ (resolver: Resolving) in
  // The types of the parameters determine what is resolved.
  return Controller(something: resolver.resolve()!, plugin: resolver.resolve(name: Name.implementation2)!)

// Register Controller's `service` property for injection.
Guise.into(injectable: Controller.self).inject(\.service).register()


// Use the many overloads of `resolve` to resolve dependencies.
let plugin1 = Guise.resolve(type: Plugin.self, name: Name.implementation1)!
let plugin2: Plugin = Guise.resolve(name: Name.implementation2)!

let controller = Guise.resolve()! as Controller
// Resolve KeyPath injections
Guise.resolve(into: controller)

Important Change

Guise 9.1 introduces support for Swift Package Manager.

Mental Prerequisites

For the sake of brevity, this document assumes that you know what dependency resolution and injection are. It also assumes you have a strong knowledge of the Swift language. In particular: generics, blocks, autoclosures, the distinction between value and reference types, and the capture semantics of blocks.

Usage Styles

Guise can be used in two different ways. The simplest way is to use the static methods of the Guise type, and that is the approach taken here in this document.

The other way is to create an instance of the Resolver class and use its instance methods. For instance, one can say:

Guise.register{ Plink() }

Or one can say,

let resolver = Resolver()
resolver.register { Plink() }


Registration is the act of telling Guise how to create or locate a dependency. There are many ways to do this, but we will cover the four most important.

Factory Registration

In factory registration, we tell Guise that when resolving, we always want a new instance of whatever we have registered.

Guise.register(factory: StringFormatter())

The factory parameter is an @autoclosure, so it is evaluated lazily. Actually, because an @autoclosure is a block, it is simply stored for later execution and called every time we ask Guise for a StringFormatter:

let formatter: StringFormatter = Guise.resolve()!

Instance Registration

In instance registration, we tell Guise that when resolving, we always want the same instance of whatever we have registered.

Guise.register(instance: Api())

The instance parameter is an @autoclosure, so it is also stored for later evaluation. However, it is called only once, the first time we ask Guise for an Api instance. After that, the same instance is returned.

If the registered type is a reference type, Guise will hand us the same reference back. If it's a value type, we'll get a copy, but the initializer will not be called again.

Effectively, instance registration creates a singleton within the resolver.

Block Registration

Block registration is the foundation upon which all other types of registration are built. However, it has a clumsier syntax than the other forms of registration, so it should be avoided except in special cases.

Block registration is useful if you need to pass a parameter when resolving or if you wish to perform more complex logic when resolving.

Guise.register{ (x: Int) in Something(x: x) }
let something: Something = Guise.resolve(parameter: 3)!

The registration block can take zero or one parameters. If the need arises to pass more complex state to the registration block, use a structured type such as a struct, tuple, or enum.

If the single parameter to the block is of type Resolving, the resolver will be automatically passed to the block when resolving. It is not necessary to pass it explicitly.

Guise.register{ (resolver: Resolving) in
  Api(database: resolver.resolve()!)
let api = Guise.resolve()!

When let api = Guise.resolve()! is called, the current resolver is automatically passed into the resolver parameter of the block.

Weak Registration

When caching, Guise always holds a strong reference to whatever is being cached. Because the Guise resolver typically lives for the entire lifetime of the application, this can be problematic when registering transient entities such as view controllers.

The solution is weak registration. Unlike the other forms of registration, the weak: parameter is not an @autoclosure.

class MyViewController: UIViewController {
  override func viewDidLoad() {
    Guise.register(weak: self)

Here we are weakly registering an instance of MyViewController with Guise. Never force-unwrap when resolving a weak reference:

guard let myViewController: MyViewController = Guise.resolve() else {


Guise, n. An external form, appearance, or manner of presentation, typically concealing the true nature of something.

One of the functions of a dependency resolver is to locate dependencies. Another one is to abstract them so that they can be replaced with alternate implementations, whether in unit testing or elsewhere. This is typically achieved with a protocol.

protocol DatabaseLayer {
  func retrieveSomething() -> [Something]

class Database: DatabaseLayer {
  func retrieveSomething() -> [Something] {
    return connection.retrieve("SELECT * FROM something")

Guise.register(instance: Database() as DatabaseLayer)

The magic here is as DatabaseLayer. This makes the registered type DatabaseLayer instead of Database. When resolving this registration, we must ask for a DatabaseLayer, not a Database.

let database: DatabaseLayer = Guise.resolve()!

Since we don't want to talk to a real database in a unit test, we can now use a different implementation of DatabaseLayer in our unit tests.


If we register the same type twice with Guise, the second registration silently clobbers the first.

Guise.register(instance: Database() as DatabaseLayer)
Guise.register(instance: FakeDatabase() as DatabaseLayer)

Because these both register DatabaseLayer, the second one overwrites the first one. To disambiguate these, we can use a name.

enum Name {
  case real
  case fake

Guise.register(instance: Database() as DatabaseLayer, name: Name.real)
Guise.register(instance: FakeDatabase() as DatabaseLayer, name: Name.fake)

Any Hashable type—including String—can be used as a name. I recommend using an enumeration value.

When resolving, the name must be passed or the registration will not be found.

let database: DatabaseLayer = Guise.resolve(name: Name.real)!


Containers allow registrations to be grouped together. A container is just another kind of name, and like a name it can be any Hashable type.

enum Container {
  case plugins

Guise.register(factory: Plugin1() as Plugin, name: Plugin.plugin1, container: Container.plugins)
Guise.register(factory: Plugin2() as Plugin, name: Plugin.plugin2, container: Container.plugins)
Guise.register(factory: Plugin3() as Plugin, name: Plugin.plugin3, container: Container.plugins)

Here we are making three Plugin registrations, each with a different implementation. They are disambiguated with a name and placed in Container.plugins.

When resolving a registration made in a container, the container must be mentioned or the registration will not be found.

let plugin: Plugin = Guise.resolve(name: Plugin.plugin1, container: Container.plugins)!

While containers can be used for any purpose you wish, their primary purpose is to allow a group of registrations to be dropped en masse.

Guise.unregister(container: Container.plugins)


All of the register overloads return an instance of Key<RegisteredType>. The registered type is the return type of the registration block. The other elements of a key are the registered name and the registered container. All registrations have a name and a container, even if not explicitly mentioned. The default name is Guise.Name.default. The default container is Guise.Container.default.

It is the combination of registered type, name, and container that create a key and make a registration unique. No other information—caching, metadata, register overload used—has any effect on this.

Guise.register(instance: Foo())
Guise.register(factory: Foo())

Because the above two registrations register the same type with the same name in the same container, the second one silently overwrites the first.

Keys can be used to resolve or drop registrations, filter them, etc. In most cases, it is not necessary to save registration keys, because they can easily be constructed at any time.

let key = Key<Plugin>(name: Plugin.plugin1, container: Container.plugins)

Keys come in two varieties: Key<RegisteredType> and AnyKey. The former is the most common. The latter is type-erased but still contains an internal reference to the registered type. It is used when heterogeneous lists of keys are needed.


Many examples of resolving have already been seen. Resolving is inherently simpler than registration.

The resolve overloads return nil if the registration could not be found. This includes weak registrations that have been zeroed. If your program is invalid without the dependency having already been registered, you should force-unwrap when resolving.

let database: DatabaseLayer = Guise.resolve()!

This is the most common case. However, if the registration is only optionally registered or if it is a weak registration, the registration should be checked for nil before it is used.

if let logger: XCGLogger = Guise.resolve() {
  logger.error("Something bad happened.")


Guise has the ability to cache the result of calling the resolution block and simply reusing it later rather than calling the block again. Some register overloads offer a cached: parameter that allows the user to choose whether caching should be performed or not. Others are implicitly always cached or never cached.

All of the resolve overloads offer a cached: parameter that allows the caller to override the caching decision made when the registration was created. However, this parameter is only honored for those register overloads that have an explicit cached: parameter. (This is a breaking change from previous versions of Guise where caching could always be overridden when resolving.)

What this means is that factory registration is always uncached, and instance and weak registration are always cached.

Guise.register(instance: Singleton())
let singleton: Singleton = Guise.resolve(cached: false)!

In the example above, the cached parameter is ignored because register(instance:) does not allow registrations to be uncached.

Guise.register(cached: true) { Singleton() }
let singleton: Singleton = Guise.resolve(cached: false)!

In this example, block registration allows the registrar to decide explicitly whether caching should be performed or not, so it can be overridden. In the second line, the resolution block will be called again, even if a cached instance already exists.

Initializer Injection

One of the most important capabilities of a dependency resolver is to compose dependencies together. The easiest and most straightforward way to do this is with initializer injection. In this pattern, the dependencies of a dependency are injected into its initializer at the time it is registered.

struct Api {
  init(database: DatabaseLayer) {}

Guise.register(instance: Database() as DatabaseLayer)
Guise.register(instance: Api(database: Guise.resolve()!))


Arbitrary metadata can be attached to any registration. This metadata can be of any type.

Guise.register(factory: Plugin1() as Plugin, metadata: PluginMetadata(granularity: 4))

Metadata is chiefly useful in filtering. It allows the caller to locate a registration without instantiating it. Imagine an application with a large set of plugins that are expensive to instantiate, perhaps because they hold and manipulate external resources. We want the ability to locate a plugin and query its capabilities before we decide whether to instatiate it or not. This is what metadata allows us to do.

For more information, see the section on Filtering.


Filtering locates registrations using various criteria but does not resolve them.

let pluginRegistrations = Guise.filter(type: Plugin.self, container: Container.plugins)

This filter locates all registrations of type Plugin in Container.plugins, regardless of name. The return type of most filter methods is [Keyed: Registration], where Keyed is either Key<RegisteredType> or AnyKey.

Although the filter overloads return Registration instances directly, it is best not to try to resolve using these. Instead, pass the keys to one of the resolve overloads that takes one or more keys.

let plugins = Guise.resolve(keys: pluginRegistrations.keys)

In addition to type, name, and container, metadata can be queried.

let pluginRegistrations = Guise.filter(type: Plugin.self, container: Container.plugins) { (metadata: PluginMetadata)
  metadata.granularity > 2

This returns all registrations of type Plugin in Container.plugins whose metadata is of type PluginMetadata and whose "granularity" is greater than 2.

If the metadata implements Equatable and an equality comparison is desired, a convenient overload exists.

let pluginRegistrations = Guise.filter(type: Plugin.self, container: Container.plugins, metadata: PluginMetadata(granularity: 2))

This returns all registrations of type Plugin in Container.plugins whose metadata == PluginMetadata(granularity: 2).

KeyPath Injection

Whenever possible, dependencies should be injected using initializer injection, as described above. However, sometimes we don't have control over the instantiation of a type. This is particularly true of view controllers instantiated from storyboards, etc.

In this case, Guise offers a powerful technique called KeyPath injection. The first step in KeyPath injection is to specify the dependencies as properties on the type into which they should be injected.

class MyViewController: UIViewController {
  var api: Api!
  var database: DatabaseLayer!

Because these dependencies are resolved after MyViewController has already been instantiated, they should be optionals, as shown here.

These properties cannot be private. Otherwise, Swift will not generate KeyPath constants for these in the correct scope and Guise will not be able to locate them. Dependencies should be explicit anyways, either exposed as parameters in the initializer or as properties on the type that depends upon them.

The next step in KeyPath injection is to register some dependencies so that they can be resolved.

Guise.register(instance: Database() as DatabaseLayer)
Guise.register(instance: Api(database: Guise.resolve()!))

The best place to do this in the AppDelegate before the rest of the application has been loaded.

Next, we tell Guise how to marry the properties of MyViewController to the registered dependencies. Swift's type system is a big help here, because keypaths are type-safe.

Guise.into(injectable: MyViewController.self).inject(\.api).inject(\.database).register()

In plain English, this says, "For the type MyViewController, the api property and the database property are satisfied by registrations of the corresponding types." In other words, because the \MyViewController.api KeyPath is of type KeyPath<MyViewController, Api>, it can be resolved by locating a registration of type Api.

The last step is to resolve the injections.

class MyViewController: UIViewController {
  // These two ivars are "hydrated" by Guise.resolve(into:).
  var api: Api!
  var database: DatabaseLayer!

  override func viewDidLoad() {
    // This line gives values to the api and database ivars above.
    Guise.resolve(into: self)

The line Guise.resolve(into: self) provides values for the api and database properties of MyViewController.


A best practice when using KeyPath injection is to create a protocol that holds the property to be injected rather than using a concrete type. Since KeyPath injection works only with reference types, the protocol must be marked as a reference type as well, using : class.

protocol UsesApi: class {
  var api: Api! { get set }

protocol UsesDatabaseLayer: class {
  var database: DatabaseLayer! { get set }

class MyViewController: UIViewController, UsesApi, UsesDatabaseLayer {
  var api: Api!
  var database: DatabaseLayer!
  override func viewDidLoad() {
    Guise.resolve(into: self)

class AppDelegate {
  func applicationDidFinishLaunching() {
    Guise.register(instance: Database() as DatabaseLayer)
    Guise.register(instance: Api(database: Guise.resolve()!))
    // Without ": class" on the protocols above, the following two lines
    // will not compile.

Because MyViewController implements UsesApi and UsesDatabaseLayer, its dependencies will be properly resolved when resolve(into:) is called.

Names and Containers

Injections support names and containers.

Guise.register(instance: Database() as DatabaseLayer, name: Name.real)
Guise.into(injectable: UsesDatabase.self).inject(\.database, name: Name.real).register()

This says that when satisfying the database dependency of UsesDatabase, the registration with the name Name.real must be used.

Explicit Injection

Just as ordinary registrations are blocks under the hood, so are KeyPath injections. It is possible to perform an injection using a block.

protocol Arbiter {
  var rank: Int { get }
  var judge: Judge? { get set }

Guise.into(injectable: Arbiter.self).inject { (target, resolver) in
  if target.rank < 7 { return target }
  target.judge = resolver.resolve()
  return target

An explicit injection is passed two parameters. The first is an instance of the target type itself, i.e., target is an instance of Arbiter. The second parameter is the current resolver. An injection block must always return its target. If it is a reference type, the same reference must be returned. You must not create a new instance of this type. No such restriction exists for value types, although an instance of the same type must be returned. In addition, it is highly advisable, although not absolutely required, to resolve any dependencies using the passed-in resolver and not some external resolver.

Neutering Guise

Using Guise.resolve(into:) is mildly problematic. Here we have an explicit reference to Guise inside one of our types. This is best avoided because it creates a dependency on the resolver itself. What if we want to use Guise in our application but not in our unit tests? The way out is to use the ImpotentResolver.

// Somewhere in our unit tests, before they run.
Guise.resolver = ImpotentResolver()

Here we replace Guise's default resolver with the ImpotentResolver. The ImpotentResolver does nothing. All registrations are ignored. All resolutions return nil. resolve(into:) does nothing. We must now set our dependencies explicitly when unit testing this controller.

let controller = MyViewController()
controller.database = FakeDatabase()
controller.api = Api(database: controller.database)
_ = controller.view

When controller.view is called, viewDidLoad is implicitly called, but because we're using the ImpotentResolver, Guise.resolve(into: self) has become a no-op.

Advanced Guise

Guise is a powerful framework with many features. Not all of these have been discussed here. Look at the code and the unit tests to see more. Guise was designed to be simple rather than easy. It is a fairly low-level framework designed to be the base upon which other frameworks can be built. For instance, I plan to create a UI framework with custom segues and so on that allow dependencies to be resolved in view controllers without having to explicitly call Guise.resolve(into:). The creation of such a framework is outside of the scope of Guise but will require Guise under the hood to do its work. I'm a busy guy, so don't look for this framework any time soon. 😀

Guise was also designed to be extensible. Look at the code and you'll see that each piece was built up from much simpler pieces. I've provided a large number of useful overloads, but create your own extensions as you see fit.

Other Frameworks

I have a few other frameworks that may be of use to you.

Core Data Query Interface

CDQI allows Core Data queries to be expressed in a very succinct manner using a fluent syntax.

let isabellas =
  try! moc
    .filter(User.e.firstName == "Isabella")
    .orderDesc(by: User.e.lastName)


DateMath is a tiny framework that allows date math to be performed using Calendar.Component values.

let today = Date()
let tomorrow = today + .day * 1

The time zone in which the calculations are performed can be specified.

let today = Date()
let oneDayLessOneSecondInGMT = TimeZone(identifier: "GMT")! ⁝ today + .day * 1 - .second * 1


Swift's Date type represents a specific point in time independent of time zone. An AbsoluteDate, by contrast, is like the date representations available in many databases: It wraps the human-readable string representation but does so without time zone, so the exact point in time is unknown.

AbsoluteDate depends on the DateMath framework. Date math can be performed on AbsoluteDate, AbsoluteTime, and AbsoluteDay instances.

*Note that all licence references and agreements mentioned in the Guise README section above are relevant to that project's source code only.