All Versions
Latest Version
Avg Release Cycle
111 days
Latest Release
1771 days ago

Changelog History

  • v8.0.0

    June 19, 2019
  • v7.0.0

    September 21, 2018
  • v6.0.1

    August 23, 2018
  • v6.0.0 Changes

    May 17, 2018

    ⬆️ Full Swift 4.1 Upgrade

    ⚡️ This removes all Swift 4.1 warnings and updates the project to use the new Consistency Manager which has also been updated.

    ⬆️ This is backwards incompatible only because you need to upgrade to Swift 4.1 to use this version. There are no public API changes.

  • v5.0.0

    February 12, 2018
  • v4.0.1 Changes

    October 28, 2016

    Making the ChangeTime object thread safe (#46)

    ⚡️ This affected the DataModelManager which should be thread safe. Mostly, things should not be affected, but it was throwing assertions if you access updateModel or updateModels from a different thread.

  • v4.0.0 Changes

    October 24, 2016

    A minor change to the CacheDelegate protocol which helps make the DataModelManager API more flexible.

    ⬆️ To upgrade you should replace these methods in your CacheDelegate.


    func setModel<T: SimpleModel>(_ model: T, forKey cacheKey: String, context: Any?)
    func setCollection<T: SimpleModel>(_ collection: [T], forKey cacheKey: String, context: Any?)


    func setModel(_ model: SimpleModel, forKey cacheKey: String, context: Any?)
    func setCollection(_ collection: [SimpleModel], forKey cacheKey: String, context: Any?)

    As far as we can tell, there isn't any need for the generic parameter here. If you have any problems, please create an issue.

  • v3.0.0 Changes

    October 03, 2016

    👍 Migrates the code to a better Swift 3 API. Version 2.0.0 also works on Swift 3, but there were no API changes (making migrations easier).

    👀 See #39 for an overview of the API changes.

  • v2.0.0 Changes

    September 22, 2016

    🚀 Swift 3 release. This updates all the code to compile on Swift 3. It attempts a minimal API change to make it easier to migrate to. We will release a new version soon with a Swift 3 style API.

  • v1.2.0 Changes

    September 22, 2016

    🚀 Swift 2.3 release for Carthage. There are no changes in this release for Cocoapods users, so we will not do a Cocoapods release for this version.