Swifter v1.4.7 Release Notes

Release Date: 2019-06-10 // almost 5 years ago
  • ➕ Added

    • A new CHANGELOG.md to keep track of changes in the project. (#385) by @Vkt0r
    • ➕ Added Danger and Swiftlint to the project. (#398) by @Vkt0r
    • ➕ Added the following to Scopes: manifest, ontouchstart, dataText. (#410) by @apocolipse
    • ➕ Added htmlBody(String) to HttpResonse as a compability case for the changed html(String) case. (#410) by @apocolipse

    🛠 Fixed

    An issue causing a crash regarding a thread race condition. (#399) by @Vkt0r

    An issue in the HttpRouter causing issues to handle routes with overlapping in the tail. (#379, #382) by @Vkt0r

    🛠 Fixes build errors by excluding XC(UI)Test files from regular targets. (#397) by @ChristianSteffens

    🛠 Fixes HttpRequest.path value to be parsed without query parameters. (#404) by @mazyod

    🛠 Fixes the issue of missing Content-Length header item when shareFilesFromDirectory is being used to share files. (#406) by @nichbar

    🔄 Changed

    • 🐎 Performance: Batch reads of websocket payloads rather than reading byte-by-byte. (#387) by @lynaghk
    • ⚡️ Podspec source_files updated to match source file directory changes. (#400) by @welsonpan
    • 🔨 Refactor: Use Foundation API for Base64 encoding. (#403) by @mazyod
    • 🔨 Refactor: Use URLComponents for HttpRequest path and query parameters parsing #404) by @mazyod
    • HttpResponse functions statusCode() and reasonPhrase changed to computed variables instead of functions, and made public (No impact on existing usage as it was previously internal). (#410) by @apocolipse
    • Adjusted the associated type of enum case HttpResponseBody.json from AnyObject to Any to allow Swift dictionaries/arrays without converting to their Objective-C counterparts. (#393) by @edwinveger
    • HttpResponse: html requires now a complete html-string, not only the body-part.
    • Include the CHANGELOG.md and README.md in the Xcode-Project for easy access / changes.

    ✂ Removed