SwiftyRSA v1.1.0 Release Notes

Release Date: 2017-04-11 // about 7 years ago
    • PublicKey and PrivateKey now expose their keychain reference and the data they were created with, in the reference and originalData fields. #60
    • PublicKey and PrivateKey now have a method data() which returns the key data as exported by the keychain. #60
    • PublicKey and PrivateKey now can be exported to PEM via the pemString() method, or base64 via the base64String() method. #60
    • PublicKey and PrivateKey now can be created from a SecKey reference. #48
    • Fixed a bug that would pass a wrong bit size to SecKeyCreateWithData on iOS 10+. https://github.com/TakeScoop/SwiftyRSA/issues/58