ThunderRequest alternatives and similar libraries
Based on the "Networking" category.
Alternatively, view ThunderRequest alternatives based on common mentions on social networks and blogs.
We need to observe the REAL reachability of network. That's what RealReachability do. -
DISCONTINUED. Easy HTTP Networking in Swift a NSURLSession wrapper with image caching support -
A lightweight but powerful network library with simplified and expressive syntax based on AFNetworking. -
Digger is a lightweight download framework that requires only one line of code to complete the file download task -
This generic SOAP client allows you to access web services using a your iOS app, Mac OS X app and AppleTV app. -
A modern download manager based on NSURLSession to deal with asynchronous downloading, management and persistence of multiple files. -
ws ☁️
⚠️ Deprecated - (in favour of Networking) :cloud: Elegantly connect to a JSON api. (Alamofire + Promises + JSON Parsing) -
📱📲 A wrapper for the MultipeerConnectivity framework for automatic offline data transmission between devices -
Nice category that adds the ability to set the retry interval, retry count and progressiveness.
Nutrient – The #1 PDF SDK Library, trusted by 10K+ developers

* Code Quality Rankings and insights are calculated and provided by Lumnify.
They vary from L1 to L5 with "L5" being the highest.
Do you think we are missing an alternative of ThunderRequest or a related project?
Thunder Request
Thunder Request is a Framework used to simplify making http and https web requests.
Setting up your app to use ThunderBasics is a simple and quick process. You can choose between a manual installation, or use Carthage.
- Add
github "3sidedcube/ThunderRequest" == 2.3.0
to your Cartfile. - Run
carthage update --platform ios
to fetch the framework. - Drag
into your project's Linked Frameworks and Libraries section from theCarthage/Build
folder. - Add the Build Phases script step as defined here.
- Clone as a submodule, or download this repo
- Import ThunderRequest.xcproject into your project
- Add ThunderRequest.framework to your Embedded Binaries.
- Wherever you want to use ThunderBasics use
import ThunderRequest
if you're using swift.
Authentication Support
Support for authentication protocols such as OAuth2 is available via the Authenticator
protocol which when set on RequestController
will have it's delegate methods called to refresh the user's token when it either expires or a 403 is sent by the server.
When authenticator
is set on RequestController
any current credentials will be pulled from the user's keychain by the service identifier provided by authIdentifier
on the protocol object.
To register a credential for the first time to the user's keychain, use the method set(sharedRequestCredentials:savingToKeychain:)
after having set the delegate. This will store the credential to the keychain for later use by the request controller and also set the sharedRequestCredential
property on the request controller.
If the request controller detects that the RequestCredential
object is expired, or receives a 403 on a request it will call the method reAuthenticate(credential:completion:)
to re-authenticate the user before then continuing to make the request (Or re-making) the request.
All of the examples shown below are shown with all optional parameters excluded, for example the request
, download
and upload
functions have multiple parameters (For things such as header overrides and base url overrides) as outlined in the generated docs.
guard let baseURL = URL(string: "") else {
fatalError("Unexpectedly failed to create URL")
let requestController = RequestController(baseURL: baseURL)
GET request
requestController.request("get", method: .GET) { (response, error) in
// Do something with response
POST request
let body = [
"name": "Thunder Request",
"isAwesome": true
requestController.request("post", method: .POST, body: JSONRequestBody(body)) { (response, error) in
// Do something with response
Request bodies
The body sent to the request
function must conform to the RequestBody
protocol. There are multiple extensions and structs built into the project that conform to this protocol for ease of use.
Formats the request as JSON, and sets the request's Content-Type
header to application/json
let bodyJSON = [
"name": "Thunder Request",
"isAwesome": true
let body = JSONRequestBody(bodyJSON)
Similar to JSONRequestBody
but uses the "text/x-xml-plist"
or "application/x-plist"
let bodyPlist = [
"name": "Thunder Request",
"isAwesome": true
let body = PropertyListRequestBody(bodyPlist, format: .xml)
Formats a dictionary of objects conforming to MultipartFormElement
to the data required for the multipart/form-data; boundary=
let multipartElements = [
"name": "Thunder Request",
"avatar": MultipartFormFile(
image: image,
format: .png,
fileName: "image.png",
name: "image"
let body = MultipartFormRequestBody(
parts: multipartElements,
boundary: "----SomeBoundary"
Similar to JSONRequestBody
except uses the "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
and formats the payload to be correct for this type of request.
let bodyJSON = [
"name": "Thunder Request",
"isAwesome": true
let body = FormURLEncodedRequestBody(bodyJSON)
Converts a UIImage
to a request payload data and Content-Type
based on the provided format.
let imageBody = ImageRequestBody(image: image, format: .png)
Converts an object which conforms to the Encodable
(Or Codable
) protocol to either JSON
or Plist
based on the format provided upon initialisation (Defaults to JSON
let someEncodableObject: CodableStruct = CodableStruct(
name: "Thunder Request",
isAwesome: true
let body = EncodableRequestBody(someEncodableObject)
Request Response
The request response callback sends both an Error?
object and a RequestResponse?
object. RequestResponse
has helper methods for converting the response to various Swift
If your object conforms to the Decodable
(Or Codable
) is can be decoded directly for you:
let codableArray: [CodableStruct]? = response.decoded()
let codableObject: CodableStruct? = response.decoded()
let dictionaryResponse = response.dictionary
let arrayResponse = response.array
let stringResponse = response.string
let utf16Response = response.string(encoding: .utf16)
The RequestResponse
object also includes the HTTP status
as an enum, the raw Data
from the request response, the original response (For when a request was re-directed), and the request headers (headers
Downloading from a url is as simple as making any a request using any other HTTP method
let requestBaseURL = URL(string: "")!
let requestController = RequestController(baseURL: requestBaseURL)"500", progress: nil) { (response, url, error) in
// Do something with the filePath that the file was downloaded to
Uploading is just as simple, and can be done using any of the RequestBody
types listed above, as well as via a raw Data
instance or from a file URL
requestController.uploadFile(fileURL, to: "post", progress: { (progress, totalBytes, uploadedBytes) in
// Do something with progress
}) { (response, _, error) in
// Do something with response/error
Building Binaries for Carthage
Since Xcode 12 there has been issues with building Carthage binaries caused by the inclusion of a secondary arm64 slice in the generated binary needed for Apple Silicon on macOS. This means that rather than simply using carthage build --archive
you need to use the ./carthage-build build --archive
command which uses the script included with this repo. For more information, see the issue on Carthage's github here
We will be investigating moving over to use SPM as an agency soon, and will also look into migrating to use .xcframeworks as soon as Carthage have support for it.
Code level documentation
Documentation is available for the entire library in AppleDoc format. This is available in the framework itself or in the Hosted Version
See [](
*Note that all licence references and agreements mentioned in the ThunderRequest README section above
are relevant to that project's source code only.