YPImagePicker alternatives and similar libraries
Based on the "Camera" category.
Alternatively, view YPImagePicker alternatives based on common mentions on social networks and blogs.
iOS camera engine with Vine-like tap to record, animatable filters, slow motion, segments editing -
DISCONTINUED. A camera view controller with custom image picker and image cropping. -
DISCONTINUED. ๐ธ iOS Media Capture โ features touch-to-record video, slow motion, and photography -
DISCONTINUED. Custom camera with AVFoundation. Beautiful, light and easy to integrate with iOS projects. -
Simple Swift class to provide all the configurations you need to create custom camera view in your app -
A fully customisable and modern camera implementation for iOS made with AVFoundation. -
1D and 2D barcodes reader and generators for iOS 8 with delightful controls. Now Swift. -
A camera designed in Swift for easily integrating CoreML models - as well as image streaming, QR/Barcode detection, and many other features -
DISCONTINUED. ๐๐ท Camera engine for iOS, written in Swift, above AVFoundation. ๐ -
Library for iOS Camera API. Massively increase performance and ease of use within your next iOS Project. -
Easy and beautiful way for a user to pick content, files or images. Written in Objective C
InfluxDB - Purpose built for real-time analytics at any scale.
* Code Quality Rankings and insights are calculated and provided by Lumnify.
They vary from L1 to L5 with "L5" being the highest.
Do you think we are missing an alternative of YPImagePicker or a related project?
YPImagePicker is an instagram-like photo/video picker for iOS written in pure Swift. It is feature-rich and highly customizable to match your App's requirements.
Installation - Configuration - Usage - Languages - UI Customization
Give it a quick try :
pod repo update
then pod try YPImagePicker
Those features are available just with a few lines of code!
Notable Features
๐ท Photo
๐ฅ Video
โ๏ธ Crop
โก๏ธ Flash
๐ผ Filters
๐ Albums
๐ข Multiple Selection
๐ Video Trimming & Cover selection
๐ Output image size
And many more...
Using CocoaPods
First be sure to run pod repo update
to get the latest version available.
Add pod 'YPImagePicker'
to your Podfile
and run pod install
. Also add use_frameworks!
to the Podfile
target 'MyApp'
pod 'YPImagePicker'
Using Swift Package Manager
Open SPM dependency manager through File > Swift Pakcages > Add Package Dependency...
and insert repository URL:
To add dependency in your own package, just specify a package in dependencies of your Package.swift
name: "YPImagePicker",
url: "https://github.com/Yummypets/YPImagePicker.git",
.upToNextMajor(from: "5.0.0")
Note: This has a minimum target iOS version of 12.0
Plist entries
In order for your app to access camera and photo libraries,
you'll need to ad these plist entries
- Privacy - Camera Usage Description (photo/videos)
- Privacy - Photo Library Usage Description (library)
- Privacy - Microphone Usage Description (videos)
All the configuration endpoints are in the YPImagePickerConfiguration struct. Below are the default value for reference, feel free to play around :)
var config = YPImagePickerConfiguration()
// [Edit configuration here ...]
// Build a picker with your configuration
let picker = YPImagePicker(configuration: config)
config.isScrollToChangeModesEnabled = true
config.onlySquareImagesFromCamera = true
config.usesFrontCamera = false
config.showsPhotoFilters = true
config.showsVideoTrimmer = true
config.shouldSaveNewPicturesToAlbum = true
config.albumName = "DefaultYPImagePickerAlbumName"
config.startOnScreen = YPPickerScreen.photo
config.screens = [.library, .photo]
config.showsCrop = .none
config.targetImageSize = YPImageSize.original
config.overlayView = UIView()
config.hidesStatusBar = true
config.hidesBottomBar = false
config.hidesCancelButton = false
config.preferredStatusBarStyle = UIStatusBarStyle.default
config.bottomMenuItemSelectedColour = UIColor(r: 38, g: 38, b: 38)
config.bottomMenuItemUnSelectedColour = UIColor(r: 153, g: 153, b: 153)
config.filters = [DefaultYPFilters...]
config.maxCameraZoomFactor = 1.0
config.library.options = nil
config.library.onlySquare = false
config.library.isSquareByDefault = true
config.library.minWidthForItem = nil
config.library.mediaType = YPlibraryMediaType.photo
config.library.defaultMultipleSelection = false
config.library.maxNumberOfItems = 1
config.library.minNumberOfItems = 1
config.library.numberOfItemsInRow = 4
config.library.spacingBetweenItems = 1.0
config.library.skipSelectionsGallery = false
config.library.preselectedItems = nil
config.library.preSelectItemOnMultipleSelection = true
config.video.compression = AVAssetExportPresetHighestQuality
config.video.fileType = .mov
config.video.recordingTimeLimit = 60.0
config.video.libraryTimeLimit = 60.0
config.video.minimumTimeLimit = 3.0
config.video.trimmerMaxDuration = 60.0
config.video.trimmerMinDuration = 3.0
config.gallery.hidesRemoveButton = false
Default Configuration
// Set the default configuration for all pickers
YPImagePickerConfiguration.shared = config
// And then use the default configuration like so:
let picker = YPImagePicker()
When displaying picker on iPad, picker will support one size only you should set it before displaying it:
let preferredContentSize = CGSize(width: 500, height: 600);
YPImagePickerConfiguration.widthOniPad = preferredContentSize.width;
// Now you can Display the picker with preferred size in dialog, popup etc
First things first import YPImagePicker
The picker only has one callback didFinishPicking
enabling you to handle all the cases. Let's see some typical use cases ๐ค
Single Photo
let picker = YPImagePicker()
picker.didFinishPicking { [unowned picker] items, _ in
if let photo = items.singlePhoto {
print(photo.fromCamera) // Image source (camera or library)
print(photo.image) // Final image selected by the user
print(photo.originalImage) // original image selected by the user, unfiltered
print(photo.modifiedImage) // Transformed image, can be nil
print(photo.exifMeta) // Print exif meta data of original image.
picker.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
present(picker, animated: true, completion: nil)
Single video
// Here we configure the picker to only show videos, no photos.
var config = YPImagePickerConfiguration()
config.screens = [.library, .video]
config.library.mediaType = .video
let picker = YPImagePicker(configuration: config)
picker.didFinishPicking { [unowned picker] items, _ in
if let video = items.singleVideo {
picker.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
present(picker, animated: true, completion: nil)
As you can see singlePhoto
and singleVideo
helpers are here to help you handle single media which are very common, while using the same callback for all your use-cases \o/
Multiple selection
To enable multiple selection make sure to set library.maxNumberOfItems
in the configuration like so:
var config = YPImagePickerConfiguration()
config.library.maxNumberOfItems = 3
let picker = YPImagePicker(configuration: config)
Then you can handle multiple selection in the same callback you know and love :
picker.didFinishPicking { [unowned picker] items, cancelled in
for item in items {
switch item {
case .photo(let photo):
case .video(let video):
picker.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
Handle Cancel event (if needed)
picker.didFinishPicking { [unowned picker] items, cancelled in
if cancelled {
print("Picker was canceled")
picker.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
That's it !
๐บ๐ธ English, ๐ช๐ธ Spanish, ๐ซ๐ท French ๐ท๐บ Russian, ๐ต๐ฑ Polish, ๐ณ๐ฑ Dutch, ๐ง๐ท Brazilian, ๐น๐ท Turkish, ๐ธ๐พ Arabic, ๐ฉ๐ช German, ๐ฎ๐น Italian, ๐ฏ๐ต Japanese, ๐จ๐ณ Chinese, ๐ฎ๐ฉ Indonesian, ๐ฐ๐ท Korean, ๐น๐ผ Traditional Chinese๏ผTaiwan), ๐ป๐ณ Vietnamese, ๐น๐ญ Thai, ๐จ๐ฟ Czech, ๐ฎ๐ท Farsi.
If your language is not supported, you can still customize the wordings via the configuration.wordings
config.wordings.libraryTitle = "Gallery"
config.wordings.cameraTitle = "Camera"
config.wordings.next = "OK"
Better yet you can submit an issue or pull request with your Localizable.strings
file to add a new language !
UI Customization
We tried to keep things as native as possible, so this is done mostly through native Apis.
Navigation bar color
let coloredImage = UIImage(color: .red)
UINavigationBar.appearance().setBackgroundImage(coloredImage, for: UIBarMetrics.default)
// UIImage+color helper https://stackoverflow.com/questions/26542035/create-uiimage-with-solid-color-in-swift
Navigation bar fonts
let attributes = [NSAttributedString.Key.font : UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 30, weight: .bold) ]
UINavigationBar.appearance().titleTextAttributes = attributes // Title fonts
UIBarButtonItem.appearance().setTitleTextAttributes(attributes, for: .normal) // Bar Button fonts
Navigation bar Text colors
UINavigationBar.appearance().titleTextAttributes = [NSAttributedString.Key.foregroundColor : UIColor.yellow ] // Title color
UINavigationBar.appearance().tintColor = .red // Left. bar buttons
config.colors.tintColor = .green // Right bar buttons (actions)
Original Project & Author
This project has been first inspired by Fusuma Considering the big code, design changes and all the additional features added along the way, this moved form a fork to a standalone separate repo, also for discoverability purposes. Original Fusuma author is ytakz
Core Team
Contributors ๐
ezisazis, hanikeddah, tahaburak, ajkolean, Anarchoschnitzel, Emil, Rafael Damasceno, cenkingunlugu heitara portellaa Romixery shotat shalamowww
Special thanks to ihtiht for the cool looking logo!
They helped us one way or another ๐
userdar, Evgeniy, MehdiMahdloo, om-ha, userdar, ChintanWeapp, eddieespinal, viktorgardart, gdelarosa, cwestMobile, Tinyik, Vivekthakur647, tomasbykowski, artemsmikh, theolof, dongdong3344, MHX792, CIronfounderson, Guerrix, Zedd0202, mohammadZ74, SalmanGhumsani, wegweiser6, BilalAkram, KazimAhmad, JustinBeBoy, SashaMeyer, GShushanik, Cez95, Palando, sebastienboulogne, JigneshParekh7165, Deepakepaisa, AndreiBoariu, nathankonrad1, wawilliams003, pngo-hypewell, PawanManjani, devender54321, Didar1994, relaxsus restoflash
YPImagePicker relies on prynt/PryntTrimmerView for provide video trimming and cover features. Big thanks to @HHK1 for making this open source :)
Obj-C support
Objective-C is not supported and this is not on our roadmap. Swift is the future and dropping Obj-C is the price to pay to keep our velocity on this library :)
YPImagePicker is released under the MIT license.
See [LICENSE](LICENSE) for details.
Swift Version
*Note that all licence references and agreements mentioned in the YPImagePicker README section above
are relevant to that project's source code only.