Appz alternatives and similar libraries
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iOS routing done right. Handles both URL recognition and controller displaying with parsed parameters. All in one line, controller stack preserved automatically! -
URLScheme router than supports auto creation of UIViewControllers for associated url parameters to allow creation of navigation stacks
Nutrient – The #1 PDF SDK Library, trusted by 10K+ developers

* Code Quality Rankings and insights are calculated and provided by Lumnify.
They vary from L1 to L5 with "L5" being the highest.
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Popular Comparisons
Appz :iphone: Deeplinking to external applications made easy
Web Fallback Support: In case the app can't open the external application, it will fall-back to a web URL that is guaranteed to succeed by opening the browser.
Isolated App Specs: It was crucial to make sure the library can scale as the number of supported apps increase. Therefor, each supported app is implemented in isolation in a separate file.
Full Autocomplete Support: The API has been carefully designed to make the most out of auto complete features, so you don't even have to peak into any docs or code!
Full Testing: To make the specs as transparent as possible, the library has tests to make sure every external application action has tests with the expected results.
You can try them in the playground shipped with the framework!
Concise syntax to trigger deep linking:
let app = UIApplication.shared
app.canOpen(Applications.Instagram()), action: .account(id: "395107918")), action: .open)
Transparent web fallback:
// In case the user doesn't have twitter installed, it will fallback to
//, action: .status(id: "2", screenName: "testUser"))
Add your applications:
// Applications are recommended to be part of the
// "Applications" namespace
extension Applications {
// Define your application as a type that
// conforms to "ExternalApplication"
struct MyApp: ExternalApplication {
typealias ActionType = Applications.MyApp.Action
let scheme = "myapp:"
let fallbackURL = ""
let appStoreId = ""
// Then, you define the actions your app supports
extension Applications.MyApp {
enum Action: ExternalApplicationAction {
case open
// Each action should provide an app path and web path to be
// added to the associated URL
var paths: ActionPaths {
switch self {
case .open:
return ActionPaths()
}, action: .open)
Supported Apps (for now!):
App | Actions |
AirLaunch | Open |
AliExpress | Open |
AllCast | Open |
AppleMaps | Open |
AppSettings | Open |
AppStore | Developer, App, Rate App |
AppleWatch | Open |
Audible | Open |
Ayah | Open |
Behance | Open, UserProfile |
BNR | Open |
Box | Open |
Buzzfeed | Open |
Calendars5 | Open |
Camera360 | Open |
Careem | Open |
Chromecast | Open |
CirclePay | Open, Request, Send |
Clips | Open |
Cnet | Open |
CNN | Open |
Currency | Open |
DailyMotion | Open |
DamaKing | Open |
DayCost | Open |
DayOne | Open |
Diigo | Open |
Documents | Open |
Dropbox | Open |
Duolingo | Open |
eBay | Open |
Echofon | Open |
Epson | Open |
Everypost | Open |
EyeEm | Open |
Open, Profile, Notification, Feed, Page, Action | |
FaceTime | Video Call |
FaceTime audio | Audio Call |
Feedly | Open |
FileApp | Open |
FindFriends | Open |
FindiPhone | Open |
Fitbit | Open |
Flickr | Open |
Open | |
FlippsTV | Open |
Forest | Open |
Foursquare | Open |
FriendlySocial | Open |
Gallery | Open |
Glympse | Open |
GoogleCalendar | Open, CreateEvent |
GoogleChrome | Open |
GoogleDocs | Open |
GoogleDrive | Open |
GoogleEarth | Open |
GoogleMail | Open |
GoogleMaps | Open, Display Directions, Display Location, Search |
GooglePhotos | Open |
GooglePlus | Open |
GoogleSheets | Open |
GoogleSlides | Open |
GoogleTranslate | Open |
GroupeMe | Open |
Heapo | Open |
HootSuite | Open |
iBooks | Open |
IMDb | Open, Search, Title, Boxoffice, Showtimes, Feature Coming Soon, Feature Best Picture, Feature Born Today, Top rated movies, Most popular movies. |
iMovie | Open |
INRIXTraffic | Open |
Open, Camera, Library, Media, Username, Location, Tag | |
Instapaper | Open |
iShows | Open |
iTranslate | Open, Translate |
iTunesU | Open |
KakaoTalk | Open |
Kayak | Open |
Keeper | Open |
Kik | Open |
LastPass | Open |
Line | Open |
Open | |
Compose | |
Marktplaats | Open |
Marvis | Open |
Meerkat | Open |
Messages | SMS |
MobileMouse | Open |
Mopico | Open |
Moves | Open |
Music | Open |
MyFitnessPal | Open |
NameShark | Open |
Netflix | Open |
Notes | Open |
NPORadio | Open | | Open |
NYTimes | Open |
OneMorething | Open |
OneDrive | Open |
OnePassword | Open |
Outlook | Open, Compose |
Paypal | Open |
Periscope | Open |
Phone | Open |
Photos | Open |
PicCollage | Open |
Open, UserProfile, Search | |
Open | |
Podcasts | Open |
Quora | Open |
Radium | Open |
RemindersApp | Open |
Remote | Open |
Rijnmond | Open |
RoboForm | Open |
RunKeeper | Open |
ScannerPro | Open |
Simplenote | Open |
Skitch | Open |
Skype | Open |
Slack | Open, Channel, Direct Message, Open File, Search |
Snapchat | Open, Add |
Snapseed | Open |
Songpop2 | Open |
Sonos | Open |
Soundflake | Open |
Spark | Compose |
StitcherRadio | Open |
Strava | Open |
SubwayKorea | Open |
SunriseCalendar | Open |
Swarm | Open |
Super-Stickman-Golf-2 | Open |
Talabat | Open |
Tango | Open |
Ted | Open |
Telegram | Open, SMS, openFromID |
TestFlight | Open |
Tinder | Open |
Trello | Open |
Tubex | Open |
Tumblr | Open, Dashboard, Explore, Activity, Blog, Tag |
Tweetbot | Timeline, Post, Mentions, Lists, Retweets, Favorites, Messages, Status, Search, Profile, Follow, Unfollow, Favorite, Unfavorite, Retweet, List |
Status, UserHandle, UserId, List, Post, Search, Timeline, Mentions, Messages | |
Twitterrific | Open, MentionsView, MessagesView, FavoritesView, Search, TweetID, MessageID, Post, UserProfile |
Uber | Open |
Unread | Open |
Ustream | Open |
Viber | Open Calls Tab, Open Chats Tab |
Videos | Open |
Views | Open |
Vimeo | Open |
Vine | Open, Popular Timelines |
VIPAccess | Open |
Vox | Open |
Voxer | Open |
VSCO | Open |
Wallet | Open |
Waze | Open, NavigateToDirection |
Open | |
Open | |
Open | |
Whyd | Open |
Wikipanion | Open |
WordPress | Open |
Workflow | Open |
Yammer | Open |
Yelp | Open, Search, Search Location, Search Category, Search Category Location, Business |
Youtube | Open, Open Video |
FRIL | Open |
Getting Started
Configure Info.plist
You must add the schemes you want to use to your app's info.plist file under LSApplicationQueriesSchemes
. See here for more.
Carthage is fully supported. Simply add the following line to your Cartfile:
github "SwiftKitz/Appz"
Cocoapods is fully supported. Simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'Appz'
For manual installation, you can grab the source directly or through git submodules, then simply:
- Drop the
file as a subproject (make sureCopy resources
is not enabled) - Navigate to your root project settings. Under "Embedded Binaries", click the "+" button and select the
I've gone through way too much pain than I am willing to admit integrating deeplinking in my app. It is very easy to forget calling canOpenURL
or missing a colon somewhere. Another pain point was savaging the web for all the different specs for different applications.
With this library, you can keep the external application deep linking spec separately and rest assured as it is open source and maintained by the wonderful github community!
Mazyod (@Mazyod)
This library could not have made it so far without the generous contributions of various developers!
Appz is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.
*Note that all licence references and agreements mentioned in the Appz README section above
are relevant to that project's source code only.