AWS v2.7.0 Release Notes

  • 🆕 New Features

    • AWS Mobile Client
      • The AWSMobileClient provides client APIs and building blocks for developers who want to create user authentication experiences. It supports the following new features:
      • User state tracking: AWSMobileClient offers on-demand querying for the “login state” of a user in the application.
      • Credentials management: Automatic refreshing of Cognito User Pools JWT Token and AWS Credentials from Cognito Identity.
      • Offline support: AWSMobileClient is optimized to account for applications transitioning from offline to online connectivity, and refreshing credentials at the appropriate time so that errors do not occur when actions are taken and connectivity is not available.
      • Drop-in Auth UI: AWSMobileClient client supports easy “drop-in” UI for your application.
      • Simple, declarative APIs signUp, signIn, confirmSignIn, etc.

    📦 > Note: The existing methods of AWSMobileClient are deprecated and will be removed in a future minor version. AWSMobileClient now takes a dependency on AWSCognitoIdentityProvider(Cognito User Pools SDK) package to offer integration with CognitoUserPools. When using the new drop-in UI, AWSAuthUI and Social sign-in features continue to be pluggable dependencies for AWSMobileClient.

    📚 All documentation is now centralized at