Cereal alternatives and similar libraries
Based on the "JSON" category.
Alternatively, view Cereal alternatives based on common mentions on social networks and blogs.
Magical Data Modeling Framework for JSON - allows rapid creation of smart data models. You can use it in your iOS, macOS, watchOS and tvOS apps. -
JSONExport is a desktop application for Mac OS X which enables you to export JSON objects as model classes with their associated constructors, utility methods, setters and getters in your favorite language. -
DISCONTINUED. [Deprecated] A shiny JSON parsing library in Swift :sparkles: Loved by many from 2015-2021 -
A simple, type safe, failure driven mapping library for serializing JSON to models in Swift 3.0 (Supports Linux) -
DISCONTINUED. An extension for Alamofire that converts JSON data into Decodable objects. -
Elevate is a JSON parsing framework that leverages Swift to make parsing simple, reliable and composable. -
Objective-C library to easily map NSDictionary to model objects, works perfectly with Alamofire. ObjectMapper works similar to GSON -
An Alamofire extension which converts JSON response data into swift objects using EVReflection -
DISCONTINUED. Pure-Swift JSON parser & formatter. Fully streamable input and output. Linux & OS X ready. Replacement for NSJSONSerialization.
InfluxDB - Purpose built for real-time analytics at any scale.
* Code Quality Rankings and insights are calculated and provided by Lumnify.
They vary from L1 to L5 with "L5" being the highest.
Do you think we are missing an alternative of Cereal or a related project?
Cereal is a serialization framework built for Swift. Its intended as a substitution for NSCoding to allow advanced Swift features. With NSCoding, you cannot encode or decode a Swift struct, enum, or generic class. Cereal solves this issue through deferred decoding with generics, and a protocol that doesn't depend on NSObjectProtocol.
Please note that the data stored in Cereal 2.0 is different from Cereal 1.3, and while the API is the same they are not compatible. Do not expect data written by 1.3 to be readable by 2.0.
- Encode and decode String, Bool, Int, Int64, Float, Double, NSDate and NSURL
- Encode and decode Arrays, Arrays of Dictionaries, Dictionaries, and Dictionaries of Arrays
- Encode and decode your own
types - Encode and decode your own
types - Encode and decode your own
types, even if they don't inherit from NSObject - Encode and decode as a
- Encode and decode types with generics
- Encode and decode
types, whose RawValue's are also encodable/decodable - Enforce decoding of the same type as encoded with
- Comprehensive test suite
- iOS 8.0+ / Mac OS X 10.9 / watchOS 2
- Xcode 9.0+
CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Cocoa projects that handles much of the integration for you.
CocoaPods 0.38 is required to integrate Cereal into basic projects; if you'd like to include Cereal in both your watchOS target and iOS target, you'll need to use 0.39 to resolve a bug.
Basic integration
For basic integration, add this to your Podfile:
pod 'Cereal', '~> 4.0'
Multiple Targets
If you want to incorporate Cereal with your watchOS target and your iOS target, you'll need something like this:
def shared_pods
pod 'Cereal', '~> 4.0'
target :"iOS App Target" do
platform :ios, '8.0'
target :"watchOS Extension Target" do
platform :watchos, '2.0'
Carthage is a decentralized dependency manager. Add the following to your Cartfile to build Cereal:
github "Weebly/Cereal" ~> 4.0.0
If you'd like to add Cereal to your project manually you can copy the .swift files contained in the Cereal directory into your project and have them compile on all the necessary targets.
Cereal works similarly to NSKeyedArchiver. For encoding, you create a CerealEncoder, and encode the objects you'd like stored in the resulting data. Here is an example of encoding various primitive types:
var encoder = CerealEncoder()
try encoder.encode(5, forKey: "myInt")
try encoder.encode([1,2,3], forKey: "myIntArray")
try encoder.encode(["Hello,", "World!"], forKey: "myStringArray")
try encoder.encode(["Foo": "Bar"], forKey: "myStringToStringDictionary")
let data = encoder.toData()
From there you can store your data anywhere you'd like; be it state restoration, user defaults, to a file, or communicating to the users watch with WatchConnectivity. To decode the object on the other end:
let decoder = CerealDecoder(data: data)
let myInt: Int? = try decoder.decode("myInt")
let myIntArray: [Int]? = try decoder.decode("myIntArray")
let myStringArray: [String]? = try decoder.decode("myStringArray")
let myStringToStringDictionary: [String: String]? = try decoder.decode("myStringToStringDictionary")
Due to the complexity of generic code used with dictionaries and arrays, you cannot deeply nest dictionaries/arrays into themselves. However, support for dictionaries of arrays and arrays of dictionaries are included. I strongly recommend you serialize your own custom types instead of dictionaries whenever possible. Here is an example from our example iOS project:
// employees is a [Employee]; Employee is a Swift struct.
let data = try CerealEncoder.data(withRoot: employees) // Returns an Data object
And to decode that data
do {
employees = try CerealDecoder.rootCerealItems(with: storedEmployeeData)
} catch let error {
NSLog("Couldn't decode employees due to error: \(error)")
The above examples are using a shorthand to encode and decode at the root level. Typically you encode items to a particular key.
Serializing your concrete types
Your custom types should adopt CerealType (or its subprotocol, IdentifyingCerealType) to be encoded and decoded. Here is the Employee struct:
struct Employee {
var name = ""
var age = 18
var gender: Gender = .Female
init() { }
extension Employee: CerealType {
private struct Keys {
static let name = "name"
static let age = "age"
static let gender = "gender"
init(cereal: CerealDecoder) throws {
name = try cereal.decode(Keys.name) ?? ""
age = try cereal.decode(Keys.age) ?? 0
gender = try cereal.decodeCereal(Keys.gender) ?? .Female
func encodeWithCereal(inout cereal: CerealEncoder) throws {
try cereal.encode(name, forKey: Keys.name)
try cereal.encode(age, forKey: Keys.age)
try cereal.encode(gender, forKey: Keys.gender)
You may notice above that there are two decoding methods; decode and decodeCereal. This is because the compiler cannot tell which version of decode to use just from the return type (since primitives and custom types must conform to CerealRepresentable, our internal protocol which should not be conformed to in your code), so there are a few different methods for decoding.
Serializing your protocols
Protocol-Oriented Programming was a concept Cereal had to support out of the box. Protocols don't give instantiatable type data for our generic decoders, though, so we needed a way to identify the concrete type under the protocol abstraction.
In order for your types to support encoding behind a protocol we register the concrete type using Cereal.register
, which
takes the .Type of your type. Here's an example of a protocol-oriented type:
protocol Vehicle: IdentifyingCerealType {
var make: String { get }
var model: String { get }
var description: String { get }
// Used for other implementers of Vehicle
private struct SharedKeys {
static let make = "make"
static let model = "model"
enum VehicleError: ErrorType {
case MissingData
struct Car: Vehicle {
private struct Keys {
static let cylinders = "cylinders"
let make: String
let model: String
let cylinders: Int
var description: String {
return "\(model) by \(make) w/ \(cylinders) cylinders"
static let initializationIdentifier = "car"
init(cereal: CerealDecoder) throws {
guard let make: String = try cereal.decode(SharedKeys.make) else { throw VehicleError.MissingData }
self.make = make
guard let model: String = try cereal.decode(SharedKeys.model) else { throw VehicleError.MissingData }
self.model = model
guard let cylinders: Int = try cereal.decode(Keys.cylinders) else { throw VehicleError.MissingData }
self.cylinders = cylinders
init(make: String, model: String, cylinders: Int) {
self.make = make
self.model = model
self.cylinders = cylinders
func encodeWithCereal(inout cereal: CerealEncoder) throws {
try cereal.encode(make, forKey: SharedKeys.make)
try cereal.encode(model, forKey: SharedKeys.model)
try cereal.encode(cylinders, forKey: Keys.cylinders)
// This is where the magic happens!
Phew! Thats how we can create an object to use in protocol referenced decoding, but how do we actually decode and encode it?
let vehicle: Vehicle = Car(make: "Foo", model: "Bar", cylinders: 8)
// Encoding
let encoder = CerealEncoder()
try encoder.encode(vehicle, forKey: "vehicle")
// Decoding
let decoder = CerealDecoder(data: encoder.toData())
let decodedVehicle: Vehicle = try decoder.decodeCereal("vehicle") as! Vehicle
Secure decoding with IdentifyingCerealType
In addition to allowing you to encode and decode protocols, you can use IdentifyingCerealType as a method to ensure the same type gets decoded as was encoded.
Handling dictionaries and arrays with protocol types
When working with protocol collections, such as [Vehicle], the compiler has issues encoding and decoding the types. To support
these theres an extension on Array and Dictionary, CER_casted()
which will cast the type into the appropriately expected type:
let decoder = try CerealDecoder(data: storedVehicleData)
let vehicles: [Vehicles] = try decoder.decodeIdentifyingCerealArray("vehicles")?.CER_casted() ?? []
Encoding requires a similar treatment:
var encoder = CerealEncoder()
try encoder.encodeIdentifyingItems(vehicles.CER_casted(), forKey: "vehicles")
There's also deepCast(_: [[KeyType: ValueType])
and deepArrayCast(_: [KeyType: [ValueType])
to handle arrays of dictionaries and dictionaries of arrays, respectively.
Serializing generics
Your generic types work the same was as the other serializable types. However, your generic types should constrain to CerealRepresentable:
struct Stack<ItemType: CerealRepresentable>: CerealType {
private items: [ItemType]
// ... rest of the implementation ...
From there you can encode and decode the object using the same methods.
Registering generic types
If your generic type is using IdentifyingCerealType you'll need to register the specialization in Cereal so it knows how to properly initialize your type. For example, if Stack had conformed to IdentifyingCerealType:
When you implement initializationIdentifier in your generic type it should also be based on the generic:
struct Stack<ItemType: CerealRepresentable>: IdentifyingCerealType {
static var initializationIdentifier: String {
return "Stack-\(ItemType.self)"
// ... rest of the implementation ...
RawRepresentable support
Adding serialization to RawRepresentable
types never been easier, since they may be represented with their raw value.
So, if you have an enum, or option set with a raw value of type that supports CerealRepresentable
(like String
, Bool
, Int
), then all you have to do is to add CerealRepresentable
conformance to your RawRepresentable
type and you're done.
For example this RawRepresentable
enum Gender: Int {
case Female
case Male
struct EmployeeResponsibilites : OptionSetType {
let rawValue: Int
static let None = OptionSet(rawValue: 0)
static let CleanWorkplace = OptionSet(rawValue: 1 << 0)
static let OpenWindow = OptionSet(rawValue: 1 << 1)
static let BringCofee = OptionSet(rawValue: 1 << 2)
may be easily encoded and decoded by just adding CerealRepresentable
extension Gender: CerealRepresentable {}
extension EmployeeResponsibilites: CerealRepresentable {}
And encode/decode may looks something like this:
struct Employee {
var gender: Gender = .Female
var responsibilities: EmployeeResponsibilites = [.CleanWorkplace, .OpenWindow]
init() { }
extension Employee: CerealType {
private struct Keys {
static let gender = "gender"
static let responsibility = "responsibility"
init(decoder: CerealDecoder) throws {
gender = try decoder.decode(Keys.gender) ?? .Female
responsibility = try decoder.decode(Keys.responsibility) ?? .None
func encodeWithCereal(inout cereal: CerealEncoder) throws {
try cereal.encode(gender, forKey: Keys.gender)
try cereal.encode(responsibility, forKey: Keys.responsibility)
Further reading
There are a lot of permutations that can be done with Cereal. I strongly encourage you to read the API, and if you have any questions about usage, check out our comprehensive test suite. It covers everything.
Copyright (c) 2017, Weebly All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. Neither the name of Weebly nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL Weebly, Inc BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.
*Note that all licence references and agreements mentioned in the Cereal README section above
are relevant to that project's source code only.