Twitter Image Pipline v2.22.0 Release Notes

    • โž• Add TIPImageFetchSkipStoringToRenderedCache to TIPImageFetchOptions
      • This permits a fetch to skip storing to the synchronous rendered cache altogether after a fetch
      • This is useful for UI that displays a large image but is not frequented regularly, such as a full screen image view
      • By avoiding infrequent images going to rendered cache, the rendered cache can keep more relevent images in cache (or can be configured to be smaller)
    • โž• Add TIPImageViewDisappearanceBehaviorUnload to TIPImageViewDisappearanceBehavior
      • This new behavior will set the fetchView image to nil on disappearance
      • This new feature can really level up an app at keeping a memory footprint down automatically, no extra work is needed when using TIPImageViewFetchHelper for displaying images!
    • โž• Add TIPImageViewDisappearanceBehaviorReplaceWithPlaceholder to TIPImageViewDisappearanceBehavior
      • This new behavior will set the fetchView image to a placeholder (low resolution) version on disappearance, which will be replace with the full image on visible return
      • Similar benefits to TIPImageViewDisappearanceBehaviorUnload but with the compromise of keeping a little more RAM for a placeholder to avoid UI situations that could yield an empty image view temporarily as the full image is decoded (notably for large images or slow devices)
    • ๐Ÿ“‡ Rename TIPImageViewFetchHelper class' fetchDisappearanceBehavior to disappearanceBehavior
    • โž• Add shouldTreatApplicationBackgroundAsViewDisappearance property to TIPImageViewFetchHelper
      • This BOOL property will opt the fetch helper into using the disappearance behavior when the app backgrounds
      • Another big improvement for app memory footprint as the large amount of RAM used for images can be unloaded on app background, reducing the risk of the app being jettisoned!
      • Impact is really great for large images on screen when backgrounded, be sure to set to YES for your large image views!