Just alternatives and similar libraries
Based on the "Networking" category.
Alternatively, view Just alternatives based on common mentions on social networks and blogs.
We need to observe the REAL reachability of network. That's what RealReachability do. -
DISCONTINUED. Easy HTTP Networking in Swift a NSURLSession wrapper with image caching support -
A lightweight but powerful network library with simplified and expressive syntax based on AFNetworking. -
Digger is a lightweight download framework that requires only one line of code to complete the file download task -
This generic SOAP client allows you to access web services using a your iOS app, Mac OS X app and AppleTV app. -
A modern download manager based on NSURLSession to deal with asynchronous downloading, management and persistence of multiple files. -
ws โ๏ธ
โ ๏ธ Deprecated - (in favour of Networking) :cloud: Elegantly connect to a JSON api. (Alamofire + Promises + JSON Parsing) -
๐ฑ๐ฒ A wrapper for the MultipeerConnectivity framework for automatic offline data transmission between devices -
Nice category that adds the ability to set the retry interval, retry count and progressiveness.
InfluxDB - Purpose built for real-time analytics at any scale.
* Code Quality Rankings and insights are calculated and provided by Lumnify.
They vary from L1 to L5 with "L5" being the highest.
Do you think we are missing an alternative of Just or a related project?
Popular Comparisons
Just is a client-side HTTP library inspired by python-requests - HTTP for Humans.
Just lets you to the following effortlessly:
- URL queries
- custom headers
- form (
) / JSON HTTP body - redirect control
- multipart file upload along with form values.
- basic/digest authentication
- cookies
- timeouts
- synchronous / asynchronous requests
- upload / download progress tracking for asynchronous requests
- link headers
- friendly accessible results
The simplest request with Just looks like this:
// A simple get request
The next example shows how to upload a file along with some data:
// talk to registration end point
let r = Just.post(
data: ["username": "barryallen", "password":"ReverseF1ashSucks"],
files: ["profile_photo": .url(fileURLWithPath:"flash.jpeg", nil)]
if r.ok { /* success! */ }
Here's the same example done asynchronously:
// talk to registration end point
data: ["username": "barryallen", "password":"ReverseF1ashSucks"],
files: ["profile_photo": .url(fileURLWithPath:"flash.jpeg", nil)]
) { r in
if r.ok { /* success! */ }
Read Getting Started on the web or in this playground to learn more!
Here are some ways to leverage Just.
Add https://github.com/dduan/Just.git
the usual way.
Swift Package Manager
Add the following to your dependencies
.package(url: "https://github.com/dduan/Just.git", from: "0.8.0")
โฆ and "Just"
to your target dependencies.
Include the following in your Cartfile:
github "dduan/Just"
Just includes dynamic framework targets for both iOS and OS X.
The usual way:
platform :ios, '8.0'
target 'MyApp' do
pod 'Just'
Drop Just.xcodeproj
into your project navigator. Under the General tab of
your project settings, use the plus sign to add Just.framework
Linked Framework and Libraries. Make sure to include the correct version
for your target's platform.
It's also common to add Just as a git submodule to your projects repository:
cd path/to/your/project
git submodule add https://github.com/dduan/Just.git
Source File
Put Just.swift
directly into your project. Alternately, put it in the
Sources folder of a playground. (The latter makes a fun way to explore the
Pull requests are welcome. Here are some tips for code contributors:
Work in Just.xcworkspace
The tests for link headers relies on Github APIs, which has a low per-hour
limit. To overcome this, you can edit the Xcode build schemes and add
environment variables GITHUB_TOKEN
. Learn more about
personal tokens here.
For Xcode rebels, checkout Makefile
HTML documentation pages are generated by literate programmin tool docco
MIT, see LICENSE.md.
*Note that all licence references and agreements mentioned in the Just README section above
are relevant to that project's source code only.