Material Components v79.0.0 Release Notes

  • ๐Ÿš€ This major release introduces breaking changes for Swift code that makes use of the MDCContainerScheme and MDCContainerScheming types. It also includes breaking changes for Shapes header files and completes the graduation of Shapes to a production-ready state.

    ๐Ÿ’ฅ Breaking changes

    MDCContainerScheming's and MDCContainerScheme's colorScheme and typographyScheme are now both nonnull. This change will require changes in Swift code that make use of these APIs.

    All Shapes headers have been renamed, dropping their New suffix where applicable.

    ๐Ÿ†• New features


    BottomNavigation has two new properties: sizeThatFitsIncludesSafeArea and barItemsBottomAnchor.

    ๐Ÿ‘€ See [components/BottomNavigation/](components/BottomNavigation/ for more details on the sizeThatFitsIncludesSafeArea property.

    barItemsBottomAnchor allows anchoring the Bottom Navigation bar to the safe area layout guide. This API is available on iOS 9.0 and above. Example usage:

    if (@available(iOS 11.0, *)) {
          .active = YES;


    MDCFlexibleHeaderViewController introduces a new safeAreaDelegate that can be used to change which view controller is used when extracting top safe area insets.

    API changes



    ๐Ÿ†• new property: sizeThatFitsIncludesSafeArea in MDCBottomNavigationBar

    ๐Ÿ†• new property: barItemsBottomAnchor in MDCBottomNavigationBar



    ๐Ÿ†• new method: -flexibleHeaderViewControllerTopSafeAreaInsetViewController: in MDCFlexibleHeaderSafeAreaDelegate

    ๐Ÿ†• new protocol: MDCFlexibleHeaderSafeAreaDelegate


    ๐Ÿ†• new property: safeAreaDelegate in MDCFlexibleHeaderViewController



    modified property: colorScheme in MDCContainerScheming

    Type of change: Swift declaration
    From: var colorScheme: Any? { get }
    To: var colorScheme: Any { get }

    modified property: colorScheme in MDCContainerScheming

    Type of change: Declaration
    From: @property (readonly, nonatomic, nullable) id colorScheme;
    To: @property (readonly, nonatomic, nonnull) id colorScheme;

    modified property: typographyScheme in MDCContainerScheming

    Type of change: Swift declaration
    From: var typographyScheme: Any? { get }
    To: var typographyScheme: Any { get }

    modified property: typographyScheme in MDCContainerScheming

    Type of change: Declaration
    From: @property (readonly, nonatomic, nullable) id typographyScheme;
    To: @property (readonly, nonatomic, nonnull) id typographyScheme;


    modified property: colorScheme in MDCContainerScheme

    Type of change: Swift declaration
    From: var colorScheme: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int32>? { get set }
    To: var colorScheme: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int32> { get set }

    modified property: colorScheme in MDCContainerScheme

    Type of change: Declaration
    From: @property(nonatomic, nullable, readwrite) MDCSemanticColorScheme *colorScheme
    To: @property (assign, readwrite, nonatomic, nonnull) int *colorScheme;

    modified property: shapeScheme in MDCContainerScheme

    Type of change: Declaration
    From: @property(nonatomic, nullable, readwrite) MDCShapeScheme *shapeScheme
    To: @property (assign, readwrite, nonatomic, nullable) int *shapeScheme;

    modified property: typographyScheme in MDCContainerScheme

    Type of change: Swift declaration
    From: var typographyScheme: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int32>? { get set }
    To: var typographyScheme: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int32> { get set }

    modified property: typographyScheme in MDCContainerScheme

    Type of change: Declaration
    From: @property(nonatomic, nullable, readwrite) MDCTypographyScheme *typographyScheme
    To: @property (assign, readwrite, nonatomic, nonnull) int *typographyScheme;

    Component changes

    ๐Ÿ”„ Changes



    ๐Ÿ”Š Dialogs




    Multi-component changes