PhotoEditor SDK v9.0.0 Release Notes

  • ➕ Added

    • ➕ Added MenuCollectionViewCell which is used for all cells throughout the main menus. This consolidates multiple UICollectionViewCell subclasses which were used previously and enables easier customization.
    • ➕ Added undo and redo to AdjustToolController.
    • ➕ Added a reset button to AdjustToolController.
    • ➕ Added a reset button to TransformToolController.
    • ➕ Added a replace button to StickerOptionsToolController.
    • ➕ Added an opacity button to StickerOptionsToolController.
    • ➕ Added FrameOptionsToolController to modify the width and opacity of a frame.

    🔄 Changed

    • The design of the cells in the main menus was slightly changed and unified across tools.
    • The design of the title in the lower toolbar was slightly changed to an all caps label with more character spacing.
    • ⚡️ Updated the Text Design tool to allow adding multiple Text Design objects.
    • ⚡️ Updated the Text Design inversion mechanism so that the user is able to adjust the padding of an inverted Text Design.
    • Replaced the blend mode selection view in OverlayToolController with a button to toggle between available blend modes.
    • Multiple icons were replaced across the SDK.
    • Instead of passing an array of UIColor objects and an array of matching String objects, describing the name of the color, the SDK now expects an array of Color objects.
    • 0️⃣ The default hardness of a new brush stroke was changed from 1.0 to 0.5.
    • ⚡️ DefaultLogger was updated to use OSLog on iOS 10.0 and later instead of regular print statements.
    • 🔄 Changed the default tool order so that the Focus tool is next to the Adjust tool.

    🛠 Fixed

    • 🛠 Fixed a bug in the brush tool, where the size of the stroke's preview and an actual stroke on the canvas would mismatch.
    • The StickerToolController now opens with the previously selected sticker category.
    • 🚚 Excess padding on the left and right of TextDesignSunshine was removed.
    • 👀 TextDesignBlocksLight now displays decorative lines as seen in its preview.
    • 🛠 Fixed a bug where the output image would be black when adding a sticker and tinting it using the .colorized tint mode on iOS 12.0 and devices supporting Metal.
    • 🛠 Fixed a bug where the camera preview would be darker than the actual image on iPhone XS devices.

    ✂ Removed

    • ✂ Removed ActivityBorderedCollectionViewCell in favor of MenuCollectionViewCell.
    • ✂ Removed BorderedCollectionViewCell in favor of MenuCollectionViewCell.
    • ✂ Removed IconBorderedCollectionViewCell in favor of MenuCollectionViewCell.
    • ✂ Removed IconCaptionCollectionViewCell in favor of MenuCollectionViewCell.
    • ✂ Removed LabelBorderedCollectionViewCell in favor of MenuCollectionViewCell.
    • ✂ Removed LabelCaptionCollectionViewCell in favor of MenuCollectionViewCell.
    • ✂ Removed LabelIconBorderedCollectionViewCell in favor of MenuCollectionViewCell.
    • ✂ Removed FilterCollectionViewCell in favor of MenuCollectionViewCell.
    • ✂ Removed all previously deprecated API.
    • ✂ Removed all AsNSNumber properties. These are now exposed to Objective-C with their regular name (e.g. allowedAdjustOverlayActions instead of allowedAdjustOverlayActionsAsNSNumbers.
    • ✂ Removed mapping between old localization keys and new localization keys.