Realm v10.19.0 Release Notes

Release Date: 2021-11-04 // over 2 years ago
  • ✨ Enhancements

    • ➕ Add .searchable() SwiftUI View Modifier which allows filtering @ObservedResult results from a search field component by a key path. swift List { ForEach(reminders) { reminder in ReminderRowView(reminder: reminder) } }.searchable(text: $searchFilter, collection: $reminders, keyPath: \.name) { ForEach(reminders) { remindersFiltered in Text( } }
    • ➕ Add an API for a type safe query syntax. This allows you to filter a Realm and collections managed by a Realm with Swift style expressions. Here is a brief example: ```swift class Person: Object { @Persisted var name: String @Persisted var hobbies: MutableSet @Persisted var pets: List } class Pet: Object { @Persisted var name: String @Persisted var age: Int }

    let persons = realm.objects(Person.self).where { $0.hobbies.contains("music") || $0.hobbies.contains("baseball") }

    persons = realm.objects(Person.self).where { ($0.pets.age >= 2) && $ "L") }

    * ➕ Add support for dictionary subscript expressions
      (e.g. `"phoneNumbers['Jane'] == '123-3456-123'"`) when querying with an
    * ➕ Add UserProfile to User. This contains metadata from social logins with MongoDB Realm.
    * 🔀 Slightly reduce the peak memory usage when processing sync changesets.
    ### 🛠 Fixed
    * 🔄 Change default request timeout for `RLMApp` from 6 seconds to 60 seconds.
    * Async `Realm` init would often give a Realm instance which could not actually
      be used and would throw incorrect thread exceptions. It now is `@MainActor`
      and gives a Realm instance which always works on the main actor. The
      non-functional `queue:` parameter has been removed (since v10.15.0).
    * 🔀 Restore the pre-v10.12.0 behavior of calling `writeCopy()` on a synchronized
      Realm which produced a local non-synchronized Realm
    * Decimal128 did not properly normalize the value before hashing and so could
      have multiple values which are equal but had different hash values (since v10.8.0).
    * 🛠 Fix a rare assertion failure or deadlock when a sync session is racing to
      close at the same time that external reference to the Realm is being
      released. ([Core #4931](
    * 🛠 Fix a assertion failure when opening a sync Realm with a user who had been
      removed. Instead an exception will be thrown. ([Core #4937](, since v10.0.0)
    * 🛠 Fixed a rare segfault which could trigger if a user was being logged out
      while the access token refresh response comes in.
      ([Core #4944](, since v10.0.0)
    * 🛠 Fixed a bug where progress notifiers on an AsyncOpenTask could be called
      after the open completed. ([Core #4919](
    * 🏗 SecureTransport was not enabled for macCatalyst builds when installing via
      SPM, resulting in `'SSL/TLS protocol not supported'` exceptions when using
      Realm Sync. ([#7474](
    * 👉 Users were left in the logged in state when their refresh token expired.
      ([Core #4882](, since v10)
    * Calling `.count` on a distinct collection would return the total number of
      objects in the collection rather than the distinct count the first time it is
      called. ([#7481](, since v10.8.0).
    * `realm.delete(collection.distinct(...))` would delete all objects in the
      collection rather than just the first object with each distinct value in the
      property being distincted on, unless the distinct Results were read from at
      least once first (since v10.8.0).
    * Calling `.distinct()` on a collection, accessing the Results, then passing
      the Results to `realm.delete()` would delete the correct objects, but
      afterwards report a count of zero even if there were still objects in the
      Results (since v10.8.0).
    * 🔀 Download compaction could result in non-streaming sync download notifiers
      never reporting completion (since v10.0.0,
      [Core #4989](
    * 🛠 Fix a deadlock in SyncManager that was probably not possible to hit in
      real-world code (since v10.0.0).
    ### Compatibility
    * Realm Studio: 11.0.0 or later.
    * 🚀 APIs are backwards compatible with all previous releases in the 10.x.y series.
    * 🚀 Carthage release for Swift is built with Xcode 13.1.
    * CocoaPods: 1.10 or later.
    * Xcode: 12.2-13.1.
    ### Internal
    * ⬆️ Upgraded realm-core from v11.4.1 to v11.6.0