Realm v10.21.0 Release Notes

Release Date: 2022-01-10 // over 2 years ago
  • โœจ Enhancements

    • โž• Add metadata property to RLMUserProfile/UserProfile.
    • โž• Add class Projection to allow creation of light weight view models out of Realm Objects.
      ```swift public class Person: Object { @Persisted var firstName = "" @Persisted var lastName = "" @Persisted var address: Address? = nil @Persisted var friends = List() }

    public class Address: EmbeddedObject { @Persisted var city: String = "" @Persisted var country = "" }

    class PersonProjection: Projection { // Person.firstName will have same name and type @Projected(\Person.firstName) var firstName // There will be the only String for city of the original object Address @Projected(\ var homeCity // List will be mapped to list of firstNames @Projected(\Person.friends.projectTo.firstName) var firstFriendsName: ProjectedCollection }

    // people will contain projections for every Person object in the realm let people: Results = realm.objects(PersonProjection.self)

    * ๐ŸŽ Greatly improve performance of reading AnyRealmValue and enum types from
      Realm collections.
    * ๐Ÿ‘ Allow using Swift enums which conform to `PersistableEnum` as the value type
      for all Realm collections.
    * `AnyRealmCollection` now conforms to `Encodable`.
    * AnyRealmValue and PersistableEnum values can now be passed directly to an
      NSPredicate used in a filter() call rather than having to pass the rawValue
      (the rawValue is still allowed).
    * Queries on collections of PersistableEnums can now be performed with `where()`.
    * โž• Add support for querying on the rawValue of an enum with `where()`.
    * ๐Ÿ‘ `.count` is supported for Maps of all types rather than just numeric types in `where()`.
    * โž• Add support for querying on the properties of objects contained in
      dictionaries (e.g. "[email protected] CONTAINS 'a'").
    * ๐Ÿ‘Œ Improve the error message for many types of invalid predicates in queries.
    * โž• Add support for comparing `@allKeys` to another property on the same object.
    * โž• Add `Numeric` conformance to `Decimal128`.
    * ๐Ÿ‘‰ Make some invalid property declarations such as `List<AnyRealmValue?>` a
      compile-time error instead of a runtime error.
    * Calling `.sorted(byKeyPath:)` on a collection with an Element type which does
      not support sorting by keypaths is now a compile-time error instead of a
      runtime error.
    * `RealmCollection.sorted(ascending:)` can now be called on all
      non-Object/EmbeddedObject collections rather than only ones where the
      `Element` conforms to `Comparable`.
    * โž• Add support for using user-defined types with `@Persistable` and in Realm
      collections by defining a mapping to and from a type which Realm knows how to
      store. For example, `URL` can be made persistable with:
      extension URL: FailableCustomPersistable {
          // Store URL values as a String in Realm
          public typealias PersistedType = String
          // Convert a String to a URL
          public init?(persistedValue: String) { self.init(string: persistedValue) }
          // Convert a URL to a String
          public var persistableValue: String { self.absoluteString }

    After doing this, @Persisted var url: URL is a valid property declaration on a Realm object. More advanced mappings can be done by mapping to an EmbeddedObject which can store multiple values.

    ๐Ÿ›  Fixed

    • Accessing a non object collection inside a migration would cause a crash
    • #5633.
    • Accessing a Map of objects dynamically would not handle nulled values correctly (since v10.8.0).
    • where() allowed constructing some nonsensical queries due to boolean comparisons returning Query<T> rather than Query<Bool> (since v10.19.0).
    • @allValues queries on dictionaries accidentally did not require "ANY".
    • Case-insensitive and diacritic-insensitive modifiers were ignored when comparing the result of an aggregate operation to another property in a query.
    • Object.init(value:) did not allow initializing RLMDictionary<NSString, RLMObject>/Map<String, Object?> properties with null values for map entries (since v10.8.0).
    • @ObservedResults did not refresh when changes were made to the observed collection. (since v10.6.0)


    • Realm Studio: 11.0.0 or later.
    • ๐Ÿš€ APIs are backwards compatible with all previous releases in the 10.x.y series.
    • ๐Ÿš€ Carthage release for Swift is built with Xcode 13.2.1.
    • CocoaPods: 1.10 or later.
    • Xcode: 12.4-13.2.1.