Realm v10.27.0 Release Notes

Release Date: 2022-05-26 // about 2 years ago
  • ✨ Enhancements

    • 🔀 @AsyncOpen/@AutoOpen property wrappers can be used with flexible sync.

    🛠 Fixed

    • 🏗 When installing via SPM, debug builds could potentially hit an assertion failure during flexible sync bootstrapping. (Core #5527)
    • 🔀 Flexible sync now only applies bootstrap data if the entire bootstrap is received. Previously orphaned objects could result from the read snapshot on the server changing. (Core #5331)
    • 🐎 Partially fix a performance regression in write performance introduced in v10.21.1. v10.21.1 fixed a case where a kernel panic or device's battery dying at the wrong point in a write transaction could potentially result in a corrected Realm file, but at the cost of a severe performance hit. This version adjusts how file synchronization is done to provide the same safety at a much smaller performance hit. (#7740).


    • 👀 Realm Studio: 11.0.0 or later (but see note below).
    • 🚀 APIs are backwards compatible with all previous releases in the 10.x.y series.
    • 🚀 Carthage release for Swift is built with Xcode 13.4.
    • CocoaPods: 1.10 or later.
    • Xcode: 13.1-13.4.


    • ⬆️ Upgraded realm-core from 11.17.0 to 12.0.0.
    • ⬆️ Bump the version number for the lockfile used for interprocess synchronization. This has no effect on persistent data, but means that versions of Realm which use pre-12.0.0 realm-core cannot open Realm files at the same time as they are opened by this version. Notably this includes Realm Studio, and v11.1.2 (the latest at the time of this release) cannot open Realm files which are simultaneously open in the simulator.