SwiftLint v0.11.0 Release Notes

  • 💥 Breaking
    • Now type_name allows lowercase enum values to match the Swift API Design Guidelines.
      Jorge Bernal #654

    • 👕 Embedding frameworks needed by swiftlint was moved from SwiftLintFramework Xcode target to the swiftlint target. The SwiftLintFramework.framework product built by the SwiftLintFramework target no longer contains unnecessary frameworks or multiple copies of the Swift libraries.
      Norio Nomura

    ✨ Enhancements
    • ➕ Add --format option to autocorrect command which re-indents Swift files much like pasting into Xcode would. This option isn't currently configurable, but that can change if users request it.
      JP Simard

    • 👌 Improve error messages for invalid configuration files.
      Brian Hardy

    • Added the user-configurable option ignores_empty_lines to the trailing_whitespace rule. It can be used to control whether the TrailingWhitespaceRule should report and correct whitespace-indented empty lines. Defaults to false. Added unit tests.
      Reimar Twelker

    🐛 Bug Fixes
    • 🛠 Fix false positive in conditional binding cascade violation.
      Norio Nomura #642

    • Another conditional binding fix, this time for enum that has two parameters or an if statement with two case tests.
      Andrew Rahn #667

    • 🛠 Fix regression in CommaRule ignoring violations when the comma is followed by a comment.
      Norio Nomura #683