
Programming language: Swift
License: GNU General Public License v3.0 or later
Tags: UI     Table View    
Latest version: v1.6.0

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Thunder Table

Build Status Swift 5.3 [Apache 2](LICENSE.md)

Thunder Table is a useful framework which enables quick and easy creation of table views in iOS, making the process of creating complex tables as simple as a few lines of code; and removing the necessity for having long chains of index paths and if statements.

How It Works

Thunder table comprises of two main types of objects:


Table rows are objects that conform to the Row protocol, this protocol has properties such as: title, subtitle and image which are responsible for providing the content to a table view cell. As this is a protocol any object can conform to it, which allows you to simply send an array of model objects to the table view to display your content.


Table sections are objects that conform to the Section protocol, most of the time you won't need to implement this protocol yourself as Thunder Table has a convenience class TableSection which can be used in most circumstances. However you can implement more complex layouts using this protocol on your own classes.


Setting up your app to use ThunderTable is a simple and quick process. You can choose between a manual installation, or use Carthage.


  • Add github "3sidedcube/ThunderTable" == 1.6.0 to your Cartfile.
  • Run carthage update --platform ios to fetch the framework.
  • Drag ThunderTable into your project's Linked Frameworks and Libraries section from the Carthage/Build folder.
  • Add the Build Phases script step as defined here.


  • Clone as a submodule, or download this repo
  • Import ThunderTable.xcproject into your project
  • Add ThunderTable.framework to your Embedded Binaries.
  • Wherever you want to use ThunderTable use import ThunderTable.

Code Example

A Simple Table View Controller

Setting up a table view is massively simplified using thunder table, in fact, we can get a simple table view running with just a few lines of code. To create a custom table view we subclass from TableViewController. We then set up our table in the viewDidLoad: method. Below is the full code for a table view that displays one row, with text, a subtitle, image and handles table selection by pushing another view.

import ThunderTable

class MyTableViewController: TableViewController {

    override func viewDidLoad() {

        let imageRow = TableRow(title: "Settings", subtitle: "Configure your settings", image: UIImage(named: "settings-cog")) { (row, selected, indexPath, tableView) -> (Void) in

            let settings = SettingsViewController()
            self.showDetailViewController(settings, sender: self)

        let section = TableSection(rows: [imageRow])
        data = [section]

Building Binaries for Carthage

Since Xcode 12 there has been issues with building Carthage binaries caused by the inclusion of a secondary arm64 slice in the generated binary needed for Apple Silicon on macOS. This means that rather than simply using carthage build --archive you need to use the ./carthage-build build --archive command which uses the script included with this repo. For more information, see the issue on Carthage's github here

We will be investigating moving over to use SPM as an agency soon, and will also look into migrating to use .xcframeworks as soon as Carthage have support for it.

Code level documentation

Documentation is available for the entire library in AppleDoc format. This is available in the framework itself or in the Hosted Version



*Note that all licence references and agreements mentioned in the ThunderTable README section above are relevant to that project's source code only.