Tuist v2.0.0 Release Notes

  • ๐Ÿ”„ Changed

    • ๐Ÿ’ฅ Breaking made constructors from scheme action models internal and exposed static methods for initializing them instead. For example, TestAction.init(..) becomes TestAction.testAction(...). #3400 by @pepibumur:
      • Motivation:: Using static initializers gives us the flexibility to introduce improvements without breaking the API.
      • Migration: Update all the action initializers to use the static methods instead. The name of the static method matches the name of the class but starting with a lowercase.
    • ๐Ÿ’ฅ Breaking tuist focus no longer includes automatically related tests and bundle targets as sources. #3501 by @danyf90.
      • Motivation: the behavior might cause to include unwanted targets in some scenario
      • Migration: if you need to include tests and bundle targets as sources, specify them as arguments of the tuist focus command

    โœ‚ Removed

    • ๐Ÿ’ฅ Breaking .cocoapods target dependency
      • Motivation: .cocoapods's API led users to believe their integration issues were Tuist's fault. Therefore we decided to remove it and make it an explicit action developers need to run after the generation of Xcode projects through Tuist.
      • Migration: we recommend wrapping the the generation of projects in a script that runs pod install right after generating the project: tuist generate && pod install. Alternatively, you might consider adopting Swift Package Manager and using our built-in support for package dependencies through the Dependencies.swift manifes tfile.
    • ๐Ÿ’ฅ Breaking Support for deprecated TuistConfig.swift has been ended. Define your configuration using Config.swift. Check documentation for details. #3373 by @laxmorek
    • ๐Ÿ’ฅ Breaking Support for deprecated Template.swift has been ended. Define your templates using any name that describes them (name_of_template.swift). Check documentation for details. #3373 by @laxmorek
      • Migration: we recommend wrapping the generation of projects in a script that runs pod install right after generating the project: tuist generate && pod install. Alternatively, you might consider adopting Swift Package Manager and using our built-in support for package dependencies through the Dependencies.swift manifest file.
    • ๐Ÿ’ฅ Breaking simplified TestAction's methods for creating an instance. #3375 by @pepibumur:
      • Motivation: there was some redundancy across all the methods to initialize a TestAction. To ease its usage, we've simplified all of them into a single method. It takes the test plans as an array of Paths and the configuration as an instance of PresetBuildConfiguration. We've also made the init constructor internal to have the flexibility to change the signature without introducing breaking changes.
      • Migration: In those places where you are initializing a TestAction, update the code to use either the .testActions or the .targets methods.
    • ๐Ÿ’ฅ Breaking removed the tuist doc command. #3401 by @pepibumur
      • Motivation: the command was barely used so we are removing it to reduce the maintenance burden and reduce the binary size.
      • Migration: you can use Tuist tasks or Fastlane to run swift-doc and generate documentation from your generated projects.
    • ๐Ÿ’ฅ Breaking removed PresetBuildConfiguration in favour of ConfigurationName. #3400 by @pepibumur:
      • Motivation: Making the configuration a type gives the developers the flexibility to provide their list of configurations through extensions. For example, ConfigurationName.beta.
      • Migration: Scheme actions are now initialized passing a configuration argument of type ConfigurationName. Note that it conforms ExpressibleByStringLiteral so you can initialize it with a string literal.
    • ๐Ÿ’ฅ Breaking removed the tuist up command in favour of a sidecar CLI tool, tuist-up that can be installed independently.
      • Motivation: provisioning environments for working with Xcode projects was outside of the scope of the project. Moreover, it added up to our triaging and maintenace work because errors that bubbled up from underlying commands made people think that they were Tuist bugs.
      • Migration: as suggested here, turn your Setup.swift into a up.toml and use tuist-up instead.
    • ๐Ÿ’ฅ Breaking Scheme TestAction options have been consolidated together under a new type TestActionOptions.
      • Motivation: This makes the API consistent with some of the other Scheme actions as well as how it appears in the Scheme editor.
      • Migration: Use TestAction.targets(options: .options(language:region:codeCoverage:codeCoverageTargets))
      • TestAction.language > TestActionOptions.language
      • TestAction.region > TestActionOptions.region
      • TestAction.codeCoverage > TestActionOptions.codeCoverage
      • TestAction.codeCoverageTargets > TestActionOptions.codeCoverageTargets
    • ๐Ÿ’ฅ Breaking removed deprecated TUIST_* configuration variables. #3493 by @danyf90.

      • Motivation:: They have been replaced by the corresponding TUIST_CONFIG_* variables instead.
      • Migration: Use the corresponding TUIST_CONFIG_* variables instead.
    • ๐Ÿ’ฅ Breaking Settings is now publicly initialized via a new static method .settings().

      • Motivation: Using static initializers gives us the flexibility to introduce improvements without breaking the API.
      • Migration: Replace settings: Settings(base: ["setting": "value"]) with settings: .settings(base: ["setting": "value"])
    • ๐Ÿ’ฅ Breaking CustomConfiguration has been merged with Configuration.

      • Motivation: Simplify the API and reduce confusion between Configuration and CustomConfiguration.
      • Migration: Replace let configurations: [CustomConfiguration] = [ ... ] with let configurations: [Configuration] = [ ... ].
    • ๐Ÿ’ฅ Breaking Specifying custom build settings files for default configurations via Settings(base:debug:release:) has changed.

      • Motivation: To support the CustomConfiguration API simplification.
      • Migration: Replace
      let settings = Settings(
          debug: Configuration(settings: ["setting": "debug"]), 
          release: Configuration(settings: ["setting": "release"])


      let settings: Settings = .settings(
          debug: ["setting": "debug"], 
          release: ["setting": "release"]
    • ๐Ÿ’ฅ Breaking Specifying xcconfig files for default configurations via Settings(base:debug:release:) has changed.

      • Motivation: To support the CustomConfiguration API simplification.
      • Migration: Replace
      let settings = Settings(
          debug: Configuration(xcconfig: "configs/debug.xcconfig"), 
          release: Configuration(xcconfig: "configs/release.xcconfig")


      let settings: Settings = .settings(
          configurations: [
            .debug(name: .debug, xcconfig: "configs/debug.xcconfig"),
            .release(name: .release, xcconfig: "configs/release.xcconfig"),
    • ๐Ÿ’ฅ Breaking Rename target actions to scripts to align with Xcode's terminology #3374 by @pepibumur

      • Motivation To align with Xcode's terminology used for the build phase counterpart, scripts.
      • Migration Replace
      let target = Target(actions: [.post(tool: "/bin/echo", arguments: ["rocks"], name: "tuist")])


      let target = Target(scripts: [.post(tool: "/bin/echo", arguments: ["rocks"], name: "tuist")])