Vapor v4.5.0 Release Notes

Release Date: 2020-05-01 // about 4 years ago
  • 🚀 ###### This patch was authored by @calebkleveter and released by @tanner0101.

    ➕ Adds app.routes.defaultMaxBodySize for configuring default maximum body size for streaming body collection (#2312).

    A ByteCount type has been added for easily expressing byte counts as strings like "1mb", "200GB", or "42 kb". This type is now usable where maximum body size integers were previously accepted (#2312).

    Vapor collects streaming bodies up to 16KB in size automatically before calling route closures. This makes it easier to decode content from requests since you can assume the entire request is already available in memory.

    To increase the maximum allowable size for streaming body collection, you can pass an arbitrary maxSize to the collect case of the body parameter in RouteBuilder.on.

    app.on(.POST, "upload", body: .collect(maxSize: "1mb")) { req in// Handle request. }

    📄 For more information on this API, visit

    0️⃣ Now, in addition to setting this parameter for each route, you can change the global default Vapor uses.

    app.routes.defaultMaxBodySize = "10mb"

    0️⃣ Route specific maximum size will always take precedence over the application default.

    Note: This maximum size only affects streaming request bodies. Non-streaming request bodies (request bodies that arrive in a single buffer from SwiftNIO) will not be subject to the maximum size restriction.

    🍱 ⚠️ Using .collect(maxSize: nil) will now result in the application's default maximum body size being used.