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53 days
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2801 days ago
Changelog History
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Changelog History
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v1.3.0 Changes
- ENML writer
- 👌 Support for creating Reminders using Evernote app
- 🐛 Bug fixes/ XCode 5 compatibilty
v1.2.1 Changes
June 12, 2013- ➕ Added RelatedQuery.referenceUri
- 🆕 New system exceptions thrown by getPublicNotebook and authenticateToSharedNote when the target content has been taken down.
- ➕ Added SharedNotebook.recipientSettings, NoteStore.setSharedNotebookRecipientSettings
- ➕ Added optional authenticationToken parameter to NoteStore.authenticateToSharedNote, only needed for YXBJ
- ➕ Added creatorId and lastEditorId fields to NoteAttributes
- ➕ Added two factor authentication functionality to UserStore.authenticate and authenticateLongSession, added UserStore.completeTwoFactorAuthentication.
- Modified sample app to use table view
v1.2.0 Changes
April 02, 2013- API for Reminders
- View a note using the Evernote for iOS app
- 🐛 Bug fixes
v1.1.1 Changes
March 26, 2013- ➕ Adding ability to monitor download/upload progress
- 🖐 Handle invalid tokens
- 🐛 Bug fixes
v1.1.0 Changes
March 01, 2013- ENML to HTML converter
- 💾 Save a new note using Evernote for iOS app
- View a note using Evernote for iOS app
- Utility function to check if a business notebook is writable
- Demonstrate how to fetch large number of notes
- Sample code for all of the above
v1.0.1 Changes
January 10, 2013- Switch to the Evernote app only if the right URL schemes are setup
v1.0.0 Changes
January 07, 2013- 👌 Supports bootstrapping by default, make sure you activate your consumer key for the China service
- ⚡️ Authentication improvements, including the ability to login using the Evernote iOS app (this will be enabled automatically once the next update for the iOS app comes out)
- 📚 Apple style documentation
- 🚀 Deployment target has been changed to 5.0. There are ways to compile for 4.0. If needed, please open an issue in GitHub
v0.2.3 Changes
December 07, 2012- ➕ Added support for Evernote Business
- Added UserStore.authenticateToBusiness
- Added BusinessNotebook and contact to Notebook
- Added businessId, businessName and businessRole to User.accounting
- ➕ Added NoteFilter to RelatedQuery to allow relatedness searches to be filtered
- 📚 Changed the way that sharing permissions are represented on a SharedNotebook
- Deprecated notebookModifiable and requireLogin
- Added privilege and allowPreview
- ➕ Added NotebookRestrictions to Notebook to allow clients to more easily determined the operations that they can perform in a given shared notebook.
- 📚 Moved PremiumInfo and SponsoredGroupRole from the userstore package to the types package.
- ✂ Removed all advertising functions and structures
- ✂ Removed the previously deprecated NoteStore.getAccountSize function
- ➕ Added extra utility functions to make it easier to use Business api's and access shared notes.
- ➕ Added utility functions and sample code to create a photo note.
- ⚡️ Updated sample app for Business and shared notes.
- ➕ Added support for Evernote Business
v0.2.2 Changes
November 20, 2012- ➕ Added bootstrapping to the SDK. The SDK now supports the Yinxiang Biji service.
- ➕ Added activity indicator when the web view is loading.
v0.2.1 Changes
September 05, 2012- ✂ Remove authentication cookies from the embedded UIWebView prior to authenticating to allow users to log in as a different user after declining to authorize access.