FSCalendar v2.8.1 Release Notes
Release Date: 2019-12-05 // about 5 years ago-
No data yet 😐
You can check the official repo
Previous changes from v2.7.4
Closed issues:
- 自定义cell,快速滚动页面时候,可能出现崩溃 #621
- Incorrect NSDate returned #613
- Pan Gesture causing crashing #612
- 未检查代理是否实现了协议方法就调用,导致找不到方法 #611
- Is it possible to deselect the date in FScalendar other than user's deselection? #610
- is it possible to select dates in the range in recent version of fscalender? #609
- CFBundleExecutable key #607
- FSCalendar crash most of the time when minimumDate & maximumDate is set Today and selectDate is also Today #604
- a #603
- ⚡️ Today date does not update after changing device date #600
- 外观修改 #599
- Reloading of calendar view crashing app. #597