All Versions
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Avg Release Cycle
12 days
Latest Release
1296 days ago

Changelog History
Page 3

  • v1.1.1 Changes

    June 04, 2020

    โž• Add additional check for responds selector for avoiding troubles on Facebook Swift SDK

  • v1.1.0 Changes

    May 28, 2020

    ๐Ÿ‘‰ User properties are attributes you can set on a user level. You can send user properties to third party platforms as well as use them in Qonversion for customer segmentation and analysis.

    Qonversion.setProperty(.email, value: "[email protected]")

    โž• Additionally, you are able to add a custom user property. Qonversion can send them to third party integrations as well. For example, you could add a user details and use that data for emails or push notifications personalization in Mailchimp and OneSignal integrations.

    Qonversion.setProperty("liked-app", value: "yes")

    ๐Ÿ“š Read more in documentation

  • v1.0.4 Changes

    May 13, 2020

    โž• Added additional checking for saved user id for avoiding crashes when persistent volume fails

  • v1.0.3 Changes

    April 28, 2020

    Receipt Validation

    Qonversion SDK provides a method for checking user subscription status. That makes your app flow more flexible. For example, you can check that the user subscription has not expired yet but was canceled. Or you can check that the subscription is in billing retry status and show a special offer to such user.

    Qonversion.checkUser({ result in
      guard let activeProduct = result.activeProducts.first else {
        // Flow for users without any active subscription
      if activeProduct.state == .trial, activeProduct.status == .active {
        // Flow for users with active subscription
    }) { _ in }

    Debug Mode

    Set debug mode for checking user receipt on correct environment and collect data in sandbox

  • v1.0.0 Changes

    April 28, 2020

    Receipt Validation

    Qonversion SDK provides a method for checking user subscription status. That makes your app flow more flexible. For example, you can check that the user subscription has not expired yet but was canceled. Or you can check that the subscription is in billing retry status and show a special offer to such user.

    Qonversion.checkUser({ result in
      guard let activeProduct = result.activeProducts.first else {
        // Flow for users without any active subscription
      if activeProduct.state == .trial, activeProduct.status == .active {
        // Flow for users with active subscription
    }) { _ in }

    Debug Mode

    Set debug mode for checking user receipt on correct environment and collect data in sandbox

  • v1.0.0-beta.4 Changes

    April 20, 2020

    Set debug mode for checking user receipt on correct environment and collect data in sandbox

  • v1.0.0-beta.3 Changes

    April 10, 2020

    Qonversion SDK provides a method for checking user subscription status. That makes your app flow more flexible. For example, you can check that the user subscription has not expired yet but was canceled. Or you can check that the subscription is in billing retry status and show a special offer to such user.

    Qonversion.checkUser({ result in
      guard let activeProduct = result.activeProducts.first else {
        // Flow for users without any active subscription
      if activeProduct.state == .trial, activeProduct.status == .active {
        // Flow for users with active subscription
    }) { _ in }
  • v1.0.0-beta.1

    April 10, 2020
  • v0.7.1

    November 13, 2019
  • v0.7.0

    November 08, 2019