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  • v0.52.0 Changes

    • βž• Add codegen option for excludes: There is a new property on the codegen configuration options to allow files matching the pattern to be excluded, in the case they are found in the includes path. #2205 - Thanks to @bannzai for the contribution!
    • πŸ›  Fixed - Using the graphql_transport_ws protocol could result in 4400 errors from the server: The correct protocol message is now being sent to the server to end communication. #2320
    • πŸ–¨ Replace print statement with CodegenLogger.log: All codegen output is logged with CodegenLogger which can be disabled if needed. #2348 - Thanks to @hiltonc for the contribution!
    • πŸ”¦ Expose GraphQLResultError path string: Adds a new publicly available computed property to GraphQLResultError which just exposes the path description. #2361 - Thanks to @joshuashroyer-toast for the contribution!
  • v0.51.2 Changes

    • πŸ›  Fixed - APQ Retrying Failing in 0.51.1: Fixes a bug introduced in the last version that broke APQs. Thanks to Kyle Browning for bringing this to our attention.
  • v0.51.1 Changes

    • πŸ”¦ Expose request body creation to better support custom interceptors: Enable lazy access to the request body creation for leverage in custom built interceptors, since JSONRequest.toURLRequest() encapsulates the creation. This enables the GraphQLMap to be accessed without re-creating the body. #2184 - Thanks to Rick Fast for the contribution.
  • v0.51.0 Changes

    • πŸ‘ Allow periods in arguments to be ignored when parsing cacheKeys: If your query arguments include periods they will no longer cause broken cache keys. This means the cached data for those queries can be correctly found and returned. The caveat with this change though is that if you use a persisted cache, after the upgrade you could see cache misses and the data would be refetched. #2057 - Thanks to Hesham Salman for the contribution.
    • πŸ›  Fixed - Sendable class JavaScriptError cannot inherit from another class other than NSObject: Xcode 13.3 introduced some additional requirements for Error types and JavaScriptError did not conform causing compile errors in ApolloCodegenLib. This change disables Sendable type checking for JavaScriptError while maintaining type-safety across concurrency boundaries. #2147 - Thank you to Tiziano Coroneo for the contribution.
    • πŸ›  Fixed - Watcher using a policy that shouldn't hit the network, can still hit the network: If the cache policy given to the watch(query:cachePolicy:) method of ApolloClient was .returnCacheDataDontFetch it could still trigger a remote fetch of the query. - Thank you to Peter Potrebic for raising the issue.
    • πŸ’₯ BREAKING CHANGE - graphql-ws Protocol Support: We've added official support for the graphql-ws library and its graphql-transport-ws protocol. This is a breaking change because the WebSocket initializers now require you to specify which protocol to use.
  • v0.50.0 Changes

    • ⬇️ Dropped SPM support for Swift 5.2: The minimum version of the Swift tools and language compatibilty required to process the SPM manifest is Swift 5.3. This means a minimum of Xcode version 12 is required for Swift Package Manager support. #1992
    • βœ‚ Removed unnecessary assertion failure: The completion handler on returnResultAsyncIfNeeded is defined as optional but if not included would cause debug builds to crash with an assertionFailure in the case of a failure of the Result. #2005 - Thank you to Richard Topchii for raising this issue!
    • 0️⃣ CachePolicy.default is now a stored property: It is now easier to configure a different default value for the CachePolicy property on any ApolloClient instance instead of having to override it in a subclass. #1998 - Thank you to Tiziano Coroneo for the contribution!
    • πŸ”¦ Exposed cacheKey function as public: The access modifier of this function on GraphQLField has changed from internal to public. It is not recommended to rely on internal behaviour of the cache, and this is subject to change in future major versions. #2014 - Thank you to Peter Potrebic for the discussion!
    • πŸ‘ GET method support for ApolloSchemaDownloader: Introspection-based schema downloads can now be queried using a GET request. #2010 - Thank you to Mike Pitre for the contribution!
    • ⚑️ Updated to version 2.33.9 of the Apollo CLI: This update will add __typename fields to inline fragments in operations to match the output from the client:push CLI command which used for operation safelisting. This should not affect the behaviour of your operations. #2028.
    • ⚑️ Updated to version 0.13.1 of SQLite.swift: This update brings in some iOS 14 fixes and new table functionality such as upsert and insertMany. #2015 - Thank you to Hesham Salman for the contribution.
  • v0.49.1 Changes

    • ApolloSchemaDownloadConfiguration.HTTPHeader initializer was not public: The struct initializer that Swift automatically generates is marked with the internal access level, which meant that custom HTTP headers could not be added to an instance of ApolloSchemaDownloadConfiguration. #1962 - Thank you to Nikolai Sivertsen for the contribution!
    • πŸ“š Documentation update: Fixed an inline code block that had specified language where such specification is not supported. #1954 - Thank you to Kim RΓΈen for the contribution!
    • πŸ›  Fix - ApolloCodegenOptions could not find schema input file: - If you created ApolloSchemaDownloadConfiguration and ApolloCodegenOptions objects using only output folders the default output filename for the schema download was different from the default schema input filename for codegen. #1968 - Thank you to Arnaud Coomans for finding this issue!
  • v0.49.0 Changes

    • πŸ’₯ Breaking - Schema download is now Swift-based: The dependency on the Apollo CLI (Typescript-based) for schema downloading has been removed. Schema downloading is now Swift-based, outputs GraphQL SDL (Schema Definition Language) by default, and is maintainable/extensible within apollo-ios with full API documentation. This is a breaking change because some of the API signatures have changed. Swift scripting offers a convenient way to perform certain operations that would otherwise require the command line - it's worth a look if you haven't tried it yet. #1935
  • v0.48.0 Changes

    • Customizable subscription message identifiers: The WebSocketTransport initializer can be configured with a subclass of OperationMessageIdCreator to provide a unique identifier per request. The default implementation is ApolloSequencedOperationMessageIdCreator and retains the current behavior of sequential message numbering. #1919 - Thank you to Clark McNally for the contribution!
    • AWS AppSync Compatibility: Apollo-ios will now correctly handle the start_ack message that AWS AppSync servers respond with when a subscription is requested. #1919 - Thank you to Clark McNally for the contribution!
    • ⚑️ Updated to version 2.33.6 of the Apollo CLI: Applies some new vulnerability patches to the CLI, but should not change any output. #1929
    • πŸ‘Œ Improved documentation: Clarification of cache normalization concepts. #1710 - Thank you to Daniel Morgan for the contribution!
  • v0.47.1 Changes

    • πŸ›  Fixed - Websocket default implementation not included in ApolloWebSocket via Cocoapods: Thank you to ketenshi for the contribution!
  • v0.47.0 Changes

    • πŸ’₯ Breaking - Removed Starscream dependency: Due to dependency management conflicts it has become easier for us to maintain our WebSockets as part of the ApolloWebSockets target instead of an external dependency on a forked version of Starscream. #1906
      • Removed Starscream as an external dependency in Cocoapods and Swift Package Manager.
      • The DefaultWebSocket implementation has been replaced with WebSocket.
    • πŸ›  Fixed - clearCache not using the provided callback queue: ApolloClient was not passing the provided callback queue to ApolloStore and therefore the completion block for clearCache was being called on the main queue. #1904, #1901 - Thank you to Isaac Ressler for the contribution!
    • βœ‚ Removed - Swift playground: The playground has been moved to a separate repository. #1905